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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh Noes.

January is going away tomorrow. It makes Legs sad froggie. I like a new month cause it's like a new friend but I don't like it when my old friend month goes away.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I overed sleptied today! I did nots haz no times to post cause I had to get to my job of being a really awesome ninja spy frog. Shhhhh don't tells nobody.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Haza Good Weekend?

Did everybody haza good weekend? I did. I played and jumped around and watched movies and I drew pictures and all dat fun stuffs.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mu ha ha!

I slept allll day yesterday cause my momma got me up early. Then when she was trying to sleep at night I kept her up. Iz I a bad froggie? I just wanted revenge. Revenge is sweet like froggies. :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Too Early.

*Yawn* My momma got me up too early again....I iz just gonna post...something...kinda...quick so I can go back to bed.....Zzzzzzzzzzz.....

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Luff My Grandmomma Froggie

Grandmomma? I luffs you oodles. You hugs me when my momma isn't home and snuggle me when I haza sad. Oh and you plays hide and seekers with me. And you ruuuuubbbb my tuuummmmyyyy *aaahhh* I luff it when you rub my tummy...anyway Grandmomma I luff you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Busy Frog.

I iz gonna be super busy tomorrow so I might nots have time to post anyfhin in the mornin. If I dosn't post anything I just wantsta say haza good day and a happy Thursday. If you readin dis Legs luff you. :)

New Friend! New Friend!

I iz sorry I did not post again in de afternoon. I wuz busy playin with my new friend. His name is Sam and he iza lizard. We played hide and seek and we made puzzles and we did all kinds of fun stuffs. When my momma figures out how to put pictures on here she will get a picture of me and Sam so you can sees him. Haza great day. Sees you later.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


My momma gives me a piece of a poptart and now I iz really hyper and excited cause poptarts haz more sugar than frogs should ever have and normally it's hard for me to type with my adorable webby frog fingers but now I'm having no trouble cause I'm super hyper everybody haza gooooooooddddd day!

Monday, January 23, 2012


My grandmomma says I isn't a mammal. Makes me sads. I wantsta be a mammal. I haz mammalie charcteristics. I haz thumbs and warm blood. I is sophisticated. I use computer. I iz mammal.....Izn't I?

Special Shout-Out For Megan

Legs is gonna make a special shout-out to his good friend Megan. Megan is Leg's aunties penpal. Confuzzling isn't it? Wells anyway Legs wanted to wish Megan to get better soon. Legs loves you Megan, get better soon. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I slept in very late today. My momma says I won't sleep tonight. Everybody hada good weekend? I did. I had fun with my aunite and my momma. Played with my grandmomma too. I luffs my family. Haza good night.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Adventure iz Over

My fun adventure with my auntie is over. I iz really tired now. *yawn* Today me and auntie went on a huge adventure and played lots of games. I had a lotta fun after we were done playing games I got a little tired so we snuggled up for a nap. Now we is watchin a movie about froggies. I iza happy frog. Luff my auntie.


I iz gonna go on an adventure today with my auntie. We iz gonna haz fun and play and stuffs. It might be too cold for me to go outside, cause I freeze my cuteness off, but we can still haz adventure inside. I tell you about adventure after we get back from it.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Today iz gonna rain. I guess I like rain it makes puddles for me to hop around in. I don't understand why the sky is crying. Sky was happy and bright. Why sky be so sad? Legs no understand.


Good morning froggies and peoples. Iz Friday. Dat means Legs dosn't haveta get up early tomorrow. That makes Legs a happy froggie. Haza good day and fun weekend.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Good Friend of Mine

This iza story about my friend, Legraham Lincoln. I met him a little while ago. He iza frog like me, but he is a president frog.

Once upon a time I was hoppin' down the street, minding my own froggie buisness, when I accidently hop right into a green frog, like me, with a top hat. I ran into him so hard I knocked his hat right offa his head and onto mine! Oopsies!
"I is sorry I did not sees you dere!" He said to me, to which I replied "No iz my fault I sorries too." I took off his hat and gave it to him. He smiled at me. "Does you like waffles?" He asked. I hopped up and down. "Yes I luff waffles!"
"Does you want to get waffles with me? With flies and ice cream?"
"Dat sounds like fun. Den we go to park afterward?" I suggjested.
"Good ideas."
"What is your name?" I asked de frog in front of me.
"My name is Legraham Lincoln. What dis your name?" He asked me.
"My name is Legs. I likes your name. It is cool." I smiled at Legraham, as we happily hopped down the street.
"I like yours too." He responded.

Me and Legraham went to have waffles and ice cream then had a fun time at the park. We haz been friends for long time now.

Beauty Sleep

Good morning fellow frogs and people of the internet. *yawn* It is too early for adorable little frogs to be up, we need our beauty sleep. My momma always gets me up sooo early. One day she's gonna wake up and I'm gonna be butt-ugly cause I don't get any beauty sleep. Haza good day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My First Big Adventure

Welcome to my blog. If you don't already know, I am a little green frog. This is my first blog post, so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right.

I'm going to start by introducing myself, my name is Legs, if you didn't already know that. Now I'm going to tell you how my family found me.

Once upon a time, my grandmomma person was going to a city far away for her anniversary, with the grandaddy person. It is tradition in my adopted family to send a stuffied animal with the happy couple to tag along on the trip. They were supposed to bring, a friend of mine, Razberry on the trip with them. Razberry is super hyper. Anyway they were gonna bring Razberry, he was all prepared for the trip....but *bum bum buuuummm* they forgot him! *GASP!*

So when they got to the far away land, at their hotel. They were in the giftshop, feeling bad about forgetting Razberry, they stumbled upon....ME! Grandaddy person got me as a gift for grandmomma person. I went to see everything there was to see at far away land. Then we went home and I was sitting on grandmomma's desk, when grandmomma's daughter stumbled upon me. She scooped me up in her loving arms and told me how adorable I was. After a while I started to live with my grandmomma's daughter.

Then I met a cool frog named Legraham Lincoln.....but that's...a story for another day.