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Saturday, March 31, 2012
Just me and Bets.
Iz just gonna be me and Betsy today cause my momma is leavin us behind. I think I might cries. :'(
Friday, March 30, 2012
There is floweries allz around. For Spring! I likies Spring because Spring is for froggies. I accidently tastied a flower once. It tastied just like it smells likea flower so I dunno what flowers taste like.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Do ra me fa so la ti do!
Fra la la la laaaaaaa frrraaaa la la la laaaaaaa. Fraaaa laaaa laaa laaaaaaaaa LLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Does I haz a pretty singing voice?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
My momma is gonna see a movie called Bully. She thinks it's wrong to bully people. I agree with that. Cause nobody likes a bully. Anyways....we should all be nice to everybody else. Thats all.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
I haz *hiccup* I said I haz *hiccup* This is *hiccup* annoying me! *hiccup hiccup* I haz *hiccup hiccup hiccup* I HAZ HICCUPS AND THEY IS ANNOYING ME! *hiccup hiccup hiccup hiccup hiccup* Help? *hiccup*
Monday, March 26, 2012
Momma? :(
I had a bad dream last night and I wokied up and my momma was not here. Where did she go? Momma? Momma? Maaaaaaaammmmmmaaaaaa?
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Last Day
Today is my momma's last day of spring break. Tomorrow she starts going back to school....she's gonna start leaving me home again. That makes me sad I wanna go on adventures and stuffs. I wansta have fun not just sit at home.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Hunger Games
Happy Hunger Games. Well iz happy for everybody but me. I hazta stays home while my momma goes to see da movie. I wantsta see da movie too but she sayz it is too violent and that froggies does not getsta go to movie theaters anywayz. May the odds be ever in your favor.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Face Smashie
My mean auntie Ashie smashied my face in! Ashlei why you hurt me? Why you hates me? I never did nufhin to you whyz you gottsta hate me??
Thursday, March 22, 2012
I stayed up all night last night playing a video game with a tank in it and I hada lotta caffiene and now I am really hyper and still playing my tank game and I'm like a ninja.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Six Hundried
My momma says that my blog haz almost six hundried views. She toldied me that is a lotta views but I dusn't know how many six hundried iz. I can't count dat high.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Fra la la.
Hezzo there. Iz me Betsy. I was hopping along and I saw dis laptop just sitting around so I decided I would post for Legs today cause he's still asleepin. The early birdie gets the worm. Or the early froggie gets the blog post.
Monday, March 19, 2012
One more week. :(
My momma is only gonna be home for one more week then she goes back to school. I dosn't want her to goes back to school. She should stays home forevers. I wanst her to stays home forevers and evers and evers!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
My momma wasn't home all weekend. Weekends is for spending with frogs! If you does not spend your weekend with your frog you iz not spending your weekend the right way!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
My momma droved around the neighborhood and nobody got hurted or run over or nuthin. Da man here says that she dida good job. I iz still afraided of her driving so I will stay inside and away from all doors or windows. Fank you for helpin my momma. I love you da man. =)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Frog Month!
March haz green aaaaaallll over! It must be month of the frog! We are ever so amazing so that's probably why it iz our month. My sweet lady frog had her month last month, cause Feburary iz pink and my sweet lady is pink.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Slept In
I sleeped in alll day. I just gotted up a few minutes ago. But I iz still tired. I iz always tired. Being cute wears out adorable frogs ya know?
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Da Best
Frogs iz da best. We iz ever so amazing and we shalt rule the world! Frogs are so epic that is what we shall to.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Learning to Drive...
My momma is learning how to drive the big cars....I iz scared you fink she'll runs over me?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
So tired..
I tired...I me peas....sooo tireddddd....Zzzzzzzzzzz....
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Expensive Beachies
I iz looking at expensive beachies with my auntie. Their iz so many of them. I wantsta live ona beach.
Friday, March 9, 2012
My momma is gonna be on spring break for two weeks after today. That means no school so I can playz with her all day and we will frolic and stuff. The three of us. Me her and Betsie. It will be funz. Spring break is thanks to we froggies cause springs have to do with froggies hopping and stuff.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Hello Againz
It's me Betsy, Legs is sleeping right nowz. He is tireds and still sicks. I dosn't really haz nuthin to talks about right nows. I iz gonna eatta muffin now. *nom nom nom* Muffins iz good. I enjoy muffins. Did anybodies notice that we froggies don't spell words in one consistient way? I noticied.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Iz Sick
I iz sick today. I dosn't like being sick it bugs me. I can't be with my sweet lady either because then she will get sick. Today is a dumb day! I'm going back to bed. Hmph....*grumble*
Monday, March 5, 2012
Happy Burphday!
Happy Burphday auntie Ashie I love you a lot.
Happy Burphday auntie Ashie I love you too....except that one time you smacked my face into a table. I does not yike that at all. It hurtied Ashie it hurtied.
Happy Burphday auntie Ashie I love you too....except that one time you smacked my face into a table. I does not yike that at all. It hurtied Ashie it hurtied.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Lazy Day
I wish today was a lazy day....but it's not. Today iz a very busy day. Busy busy busy day!!! I just wanna lay around and do nuthin I dusn't wanna work. Iz weekend!! Working iz no fun!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Hezzo World
Legs let ME post on his blog today! I iz so happy. You dusn't know who I iz doez you? I iz Legs' sweet lady frog. I iz Betsy. I cannot beyieve he let me post on his blog. It means muchies to him....oh...saying muchies makes me think of I iz hungry....
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Hi there, my name is Betsy |
Friday, March 2, 2012
Hail!! Hail!!
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I waked up this morning and this is what the deck looked like. Hail attackied it! |
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Leap Year?
Does Leap Year mean that it iz year of the frog? We frogs leap. We leap a lot. We like to leap a lot. We also hop, skip, and frolic.
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