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Monday, April 30, 2012


My momma broughtied home somefhink called "Doctor Pepper." But it iz not a doctor! When she wuzn't looking me and Betsy drakied a whole bottle of it. Now we iz hyper. Momma caughtied on and she said dat we drankied caffiene and broughtied it upon ourselvies. Now she iz leaving us in da care of our grandmomma.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012


Momma?? Mommaaaa?? Momma where iz you?? MOMMA! MOMMA I NEED YOU!!! I IZ LONELY AND SO IZ BETSY!! Where iz you mommmaaaaaa???


I does NOT gets to go camping!! My momma says I doesn't get to! I wanna go camping! I wanna comes with my momma. Dis is a outrage! Dis is not fair!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Camping! Camping! Camping! I iz going camping! I iz gonna eat marshmelluws and hike thru da woods and all kindz of funz stuffz!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Music Video

My momma is making a music video and I cannot bez in it! I wantz to be in music video! I gonna make my own music video! I just hazta fink of song and break outta my epic dance movez.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Legs iz cranky cause he hadta getz up early so I willz type post insteadz. I doesn't knowz what to says so enjoy this picture of some lily padz.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Iz Monday and my momma iz not gunna be homes today. I iz gunnas miss her. But atleast I doesn't hazta go to school like she doez.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Today me and my momma watched nine hours of Heroes. We waz watchin it all dayz. I wuz toos busy to post on blogs. I sorries.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Oneie Hundriedth post!

Dis is my oneie hundriedth post. Dat is one zero zero. One hundriedth. Blog has been up for almost tree mondths cauze I postie everydayz. I knowz math.

Friday, April 20, 2012

April Showers bring May Flowers

Actually April Showers are brought by girlie scouts. Betsy iz a frog scout. If you getsa bag on your porch with da April Showers logo don't forgets to donates. Makies froggies like me happes.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I iz Learning How to Spell!

Kay so Ashie is teaching me how to readz. She says dat my grammar is very suckie and I needzta use better grammar. But I doesn't wanna. So insteadz she is teaching me to spellz better. Even if mosta of da time I won't use it. Anywayz I learned that m-o-o-n spellz frog and so does f-r-o-g.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Stwabewwies haz seeds in them momma told me. I eated a stwabewwie so now a stwabewwie tree iz gonna grow in my tummies! It iz going to be very awesome. I will openz my mouth and tree come out of it. I draw picturez so you can seez.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Frog Month

Iz frog month. I iz not lying I iz serious frog. We frogz get our very own month just for us. Show your appretiation for our awesomeness. Fhank you.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Nom nom nom.

I iz eatin cerealz. *crunchie crunchie crunchie* I can't hearz you, Wut? *muncha cruncha chunch.*

Sunday, April 15, 2012


It iz gonna storm today, I iz scarred. My new pet doggie iz gonna protect me! Iz gonna protect me and Betsy.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Yay! Puppy!

Today my momma is gonna get me a puppy. We went to da pound and found the one we wanted and now we're gonna get him and he's gonna come home with us!

Friday, April 13, 2012


In biology they desects frogz. I does NOT wants to be disected!! Somebody saves me! Save me saves me!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

More Wafflez

Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez! Wafflez!!!!! I likez wafflez a lot.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Haza Question

Iz me and Betsy awesomest frogs on earth? We dusn't know. Betsy thinks I iz awesomeest frog ever and I fhink Betsy is awesomest frog ever. Who is awesomeer?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I watchied the Matrix yesturday. I wanna be like Neo. He iz very epic. Follow the green frog Neo. Frogs is cooler than rabbits.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Belly hurties

I haz eaten too muchies chocolate bunnies yesturday. My tummie hurties now. I think I needies belly rubs. Any voulunteerz?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hoppy Easter

Hoppy Easter everybodies. Iz not happy easter cause it hazta do with bunnies and froggies so it hasta be hoppy easter.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


My auntie, momma, and grandmomma is all going shopping....but they iz leaving me and Betsy behind! :(

Friday, April 6, 2012

Seven Hundried

Blog haz seven hundried views now. I can't count dat high but momma says it's a lot.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I iz searching for a puppy cause like I said yesterday I'm gunna get one. Does you pick a puppy or does a puppy pick you? I does not understands.......I guess I will just looks at kennels and whichever one loves me most will be minez.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I haz decided that I wanna puppy. I iz gonna talk to my momma about it and maybe she will get me one. If she dusn't get me a puppy I'll cry. :(

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Movie movie moive!

I iz gonna be a director. I iz gonnna make a movie about frogs. Cause we iz the greatest thing on Earth.

Monday, April 2, 2012


I haz wafflez. My momma made them for me. I iz happy because my momma made me wafflez. Nobody is possibly happier than I am because I iz thousands of times happier than them.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Adventure! Adventure!

Me and Ashie and Betsy and momma and grandmomma wentied on an adventure today and it was lotsa fun and we frolicked and skipped and hopped and played and stuff.