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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Aaah, Spa.

I wents to da spa todays. Aahhh, I so relaxied. My tummy wuz rubbied for a hour and I wuz givien fly pieee. My momma took a picturez of me cause I was happies and she thought it would be cutes. So here iz picture. I does not haz much to sayz. Just happie from da spa. See me to da left? I iz smilein. I so happies. Haza good day!

Friday, June 29, 2012


Iz too hot here. If I step foots outside I burn up into little crisp. Waz one hundried eight degreez yesturday. If it stays dis hot den I never gonna goes outside ever agains! I iz not fond of burning up into a crisp! If I burnied up into a crisp somebody would stepped on me or some birdies would eat me and I would nots has no way to defends myself. Iz boring inside though. If my momma had a pool she could just throw me ins it and den I would not hasta worries about being a crisp....but momma does not haza pool. So I just sits inside and does nofhink.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I haza fort. See, my momma is doing a lotta "summer reading" wifh biiiigg thick bookz. She can't read dem all at once, so I haz taken some of dem and made a fort outta dem. If I get boried in my fort, I can read one of da many books arounds me. I will use bookmarkz for supporties in my fort. Betsy iz da queen of my fort, queen iz calling! I will be backz later.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I haz all dis candies and nofhink to do wifh it. I think I gonna shares it wifh Betsy. Or maybe I go hide in it? I fhought dat wuza good idea. I playied hide and seek with Betsy, den hideid in da candy, and she wouldn't find me! My momma takied picture of me hiding in candies....only problem iz I gottied stuck.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I iz gonna go outsides and play in da sprinklerz. I iz a froggie, I likes da water. I even haz cute little swimmie trunks. I haz little squirt gun too. Me and Betsy gonna haza water fight. Off I goes, before it gets too hot. Froggies burnied up in da heat! Seez ya later!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Om nom nom

Hi dere! I haz gum today. *chomp chomp chomp* I yike gum. I fhink I haz problem dough cause I haz too much gums in my moufh! My cheeks iz full like chipmunk or a hamster! I iz not chipmunk or hamster, I iz frog! Anyways, I haz too much gum and does not know what to do wifh it. I iz scared now. What if I blows a bubble and it takes me far far aways? I does not yike dat! Bad gum! I gotsta get rids of it! I gonna do dat now, before I get blown aways. Bye byes!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chex Mix

My momma gottied a bag of Cheddar Chex Mix cause she wantied it. Den she left me and Betsy...we atied whole bag of Chex Mix *BUUUUURRRRPPPPP!* Only problem is we does not knows how to explains to momma. Oh! Haz idea! We still haz bag...I makes popcorn and fills Chex Mix bag with dat. Momma never know da difference, rights? I gonna go do dat now, I seez you laters.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Iz going to da zoo. I gonna see's lotsa animals! Dere is zebras there! Like Spot! I wonder if dey like prizes too....Iz dere frogs at zoo? I wanna see froggies so I can talks to dem. I been practicing my frog speaking so I can commoonicate. *Ribbit.....ribbit....ribbit* See? Izn't I doin a good job? Betsy wantsta see da flamingos cause dey is pink like her! Dere iz only lizards and froggies dat is green like me. I wish I waza flamingo! Dat would be cool. Well, I off to zoo now. Bye bye!

Friday, June 22, 2012


I madea new friend! Hiz name is Spot. Spot iza Zebra, Zebras is cool. Spot really likes "prizes." Which are sparkly circles with color in da middle. AAAHHHHH! Spot has ambushied me! By da way, Spot likes to ambush. I gonna go play with Spot. Bye bye!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


My great grandmommie frog is moving. Why iz I not movings? I wanna move! I wants to see da worlds! The whole big wide world! I doesn't fhink I'll get dat far, iz just a small froggie after alls. I only been to Illinois and Missouri, and not even da whole thing. Illinois and Missouri iz just small part of U.S. which iz just one seventh of continents on world. Oh wowz...I fhink my head explodes.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Dis iza picture of me!
Iz me again, Betsy! Hello world. I know dis is Legs' blog but today I wantied to talk. He couldn't come up with nofhin to says anyway. I iz going to talks about flowers. I likes pink flowers...oh and purple flowers...and blue flowers....I like yellow and orange flowers too. Bugs like flowers too! Like beez and butterfliez. I like bugs! They iz colorful, like flowers! Bye bye! I iz done talking, I seez you laters!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


My momma haz fwiend named Abbee. She haz been friend with my momma for long times. Abbee speakiez frog! I iz so happees, most humanz does not speaks frog. Frog iz my naturalz languages of courses. Abbee haz long hair which I likes very much. Abbee iz pretty toos. My momma's bestied fwiend. Oh! Sometimez Abbee givies me cookies. Does not tell momma though!

Monday, June 18, 2012


Stwabewwie shortcakez
My grandmommie madied cake yesturday. She boughtied shortcakez too. I like cakez. Eatinz cake for breakiefasts. Nom nom noms! Happy Mondays! Haz awesome day fillied with cakes!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day! Make sure to show your daddy froggie lots of love today! Waits...I forgets you iz human. Otay, show your daddy human lots of love today. I fhink my daddy froggie is in Illinois. I doesn't get to see him. :C Instead I will wish a happy Fathers day to my momma's step daddie. (He iz not a frog eifher.) Happy Fathers day!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rough Night

I hada rough night yast night. I did not sleeps well at allz. I tossied and turnied but could not get comfurtible. :C Now I iz tiried. Very long time after my momma and Betsy went to sleep, I finally founied a comfurtible position. My momma took a picture of it and askied me how I could possibly be comfortable. I does not haz many bones, so dat makes dis position comfy. *Yaaaawwwwnnnn* Ima little tired now, I goin back to bed. Night, night.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Kitties? Ina blender?

This is what da game looks like.
My grandmommie gottied a new game yesterday. Iz called "Kittens in a Blender". I does not like da name of dis! I will save you kitties! Da point of the game iz to blend ofher peoplies kitties, and save your own kitties. No kitties is actually harmied! If you buy dis game part of the profits goes to a no kill cat shelter. I like dat! Iz good to save kitties. All kitty shelters should be no kill shelters. By da way you can helpz a kitty by adopting dem! Normallies people doesn't adopt older pets because dey iz older. But older petz can be just az energetic as younger petz. Anywayz, if you wants to check it outs, go here!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Uncle Alecz

My Uncle Alecz iz off to works. I missies him. He leavies everydays off to do important stuffs. I wavied bye bye to Uncle Alecz. Haza good day at work. I waits for you to come back homes.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pocket Frogs!

Can clickz on picture
to make froggies bigger!
Yesturday my momma was boried. She checked on her momma's phone in da game store and found a game about froggies! Iz called Pocket Frogs. She startied playing and now she fours frogs! One of dem is green like me! Anoder one iz pink like Betsy. I likes Pocket Frogs. Izn't dey cute? Dis game iz for smart phones!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Dis is my Auntie Ashie's burdie. His name iz Yago. Yago likez cheese and shoelaces. He's green, like me, dat is why I iz showing him to you. Say hi to peoples of internets Yago! He actually does say hi to peoples. He also tells people how he iza good boy. Oh! When phone rings Yago says hello. I like Yago. We adoptied him into our family. He iza good bird. I took dis picture of Yago all by myselfs. Izn't I gud photographer?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Happy Burphday to me!

My Burphday iz today! I iz one year old! Today, fhree hundried and sixtfhy five days ago I waz adoptied into my new families. My old home was Springfield Illinois, I waz living in a hotel! Happy burphday to me, happy burphday to me, happy burphday to meeeee! Happy burphday to meee!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


My momma and her aunt and couzin wents to see Battleship. I came toos! And Betsy! We yiked da explosionz and da big giant ships. It wazza good movie!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Frog and Toad

Today my grandmomma froggie read me and Betsy a story abouts a Frog and a Toad. We liked da story a lot. I would like to meets a Frog and Toad dat iz such good friends like dat. Me and Betsy is on da lookouts for new Frog and Toad friends.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Sleptied in

*Yawwwnnn* Good afternoons fellow frogs and peoples of internets. I just wokied up, me and Betsy wuz partyin yast night width our buddies Gabe da cow and Sam da lizard. We had a epic time eatin chocolates and playin video games. Kept momma up all nights too! So we sleptied in todays.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Momma iz taking me fishing! Me and Betsy is gonna catch lotsa fish and name dem and set dem free and snuggle dem too. We goes swimming toos. Dat iz what frogs does. Swims!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Yesturday momma did dat panel I posted about earliers and she gotted chocolate for her time and stuffs. Iz big box of chocolate and dis morning momma is goin somewheres so....I fhink...I iz gonna take chocolates...and eats it...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mr. Box

Todays me and Betsy went on big adventure. Mr. Box took us to a mountain and we climbied it and put a flag at da top of it dat haza frog on it so everybody knowz we went up dat mountian. Den Mr. Box flew us to New York and we went to statue of Liberty. Now we iz back home. *Yawn* Big adventures make little frogs tireds.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Haza Box

I haza iza boat. Or maybe it iza spaceship? A submarine? Or airplane maybe tooz? My box is anyfhink me and Betsy wants it to be!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Today I iz posting about my bestiest friend. Hiz name is Chompy the dinosaur. We haz been friends foreverz. Me and Chompy likez to eats donuts. Om nom nom. Chompy does not rawr like normal dinosaur. He says "Chomp chomp chomp!"

Saturday, June 2, 2012


I wrotied a poem.
Frogs are
Does you like it?

Friday, June 1, 2012

National Donut Day!

I wuz told today is National Donut Day....I iz gonna show my supports for dat by eating lotsa donuts. Betsy is gonna help me. We gottied dozen donuts and dat is lots for frogs. Momma iz gonna get suprise when she comes home to seez us bouncing off da wallz with sugar overloads.