I iz taking break from posting about Olympicz cause today I haz pie. I haz pie to celebrate 200fh blog post! I would've made 200 piez but I did not haz enough crust. I only madied two. Pie iz chocolate and iz tastey and om nom noms....I fhink I could eats da whole thing. Iz rather tasteies. Iz not da same as fly pie, but dat iz otay, it iz still tastey. I fhink I haz said tasteyz enough for one posts but I doesn't knows how elses to describe pie...I shall tries again. Pie iz amazings circle crustz wifh chocolates (or flies) fillingz wifh beautifulz tastez....I iz making myselfs hungries now, so I iz gonna go and eat pies now. Byez!
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Kayaking iz on Olympics todays. Iz very confuzzling I fhink. All da turningz and da movink. I fhink I would fall off of da kayak and I would ends up swimmingz insteads...den I would probabliez end up getting stucks in a whirlpoolz or somefhink....den I would haz to be rescuied....dat would not be fun....I fhink I'll just sticks to swimming insteads.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Bike Racez!
I iz watching da Olympic bike racez. Iz da females racing today. Yesturday waz da males. I watchied gymnastics yast night and da swimmings. I could do Olympic swimmingz! I coulds beats all da human swimmerz times. Or maybe I coulds just hop along the side of da pool....Da female bike race iz almosts overs now. I fhink Netherlands iz winning....Good lucks to all teamz. Here iz picture of me on my bikez.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
I iz watching the Olympics! It iz fun. I iz watching da bike racez. I doesn't knows who iz in winning but it iz funs to watch. Da opening ceremoniez last night waz goods. I iz team U.S.A. but I iz also proud of all da athletes. I really wants to seez da swimming cause I iz a frog and froggiez swim. Maybe I coulds make it to Olympicz? I hopes I coulds!
Friday, July 27, 2012
My momma gottied her schedule for school today. She haz lots of classes I does not understands. I haz schedule.....here it iz.
1. Leaping
2. Cutenessz
3. Fly Catching
Nom noms! (Lunch lunch!)
4. Froggie History
5. Stories
6. Maths
I think my schedulez iz better dan my momma's. She doesn't likes her schedulez.
1. Leaping
2. Cutenessz
3. Fly Catching
Nom noms! (Lunch lunch!)
4. Froggie History
5. Stories
6. Maths
I think my schedulez iz better dan my momma's. She doesn't likes her schedulez.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
I haz become the Great Leaper! Does not tells nobody, I needs to keeps my identity safe! Faster than a speeding car! Can jumpz higher than a airplane dat iz flyings! Annnnddd cuter than some puppies, iz Great Leaper! Bum ba daaaaa! I iz protecting the innocent woodland creaturez and putting out firez, stuffs like dat. I doesn't even need a phoneboof to changes into my outfits neithur. I iz Great Leaper iz just dat awesome! Keeping da world safe one woodland creature atz a times! Greaaaatttt Leeeaaapppeeerrr!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Frog Jumping!
Olypmics iz coming up soons. I fhink dat frogs shoulds be ables to be in Olympics for jumping! We iz high jumpers, it wouldz be a goods sports. If frogz jumpings was in Olympics den you mights sees me on dem! I iza really high jumper and iz practicing and stuffs. I would brings home golds for frog jumping if it waz sport in Olympics. :D
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Iz me Betsy. I saw dese shoez on TV and I wants some shoez now. I doesn't know....does shoez come in frog sizez? I fhink my feetz iz just too smallz for shoez....otay...I will buy hats insteads! A fez and a stetson and a.....wait a seconds! Hats does not comes in frog sizes neifher! Otay...otay....I will buy...I will go shopping and buys myselfs a purse. Den I can carries stuffs around in its...purses haz to come in frog sizes right?...
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I iz sorry I did not post earliers! Me and Betsy was on a adventures. We wentied to dis temple and found dis sacred froggie statue and we waz gonna take it and puts it in a museum...and when we did takes it dis boulder cames out of nowhere and startied to chases us! We maniaged to escapes da temples but den dis evil guy tookied da statue for himselfs! We chaised him wifh a friend of ours, who iza snake, and got da statue back. After we gottied the statue we thankied out friend da snake and returnied home to put da statue in a museum. Along da way I got this really awesomes brown hat....*Yawwwwnnn* I iz tired now. Advetures iz hard stuffs!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
One Hundried Ninentyifh!
Dis iz my one hundried ninetyifh blog post. Dat iz hmm...1-9-0. Iza big number. If I waz gonna count dat out wifh my fingierz it would take 95 froggiez to helps me cause we frogz only haz 2 fingers. I will startz rallying my froggie friends for 200th blog post, but I will needs 100 froggies! If you knowz any froggies who would likes to helps dat would be apprecimerated.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Frogs does not normalliez eat meats...but today I atied bacons. Bacon iz awesomes and crispies and tasties. Om nom nom. I likes bacons. I askied my auntie Ashie what she thinks abouts bacons and she saids thumbs up! I would gives bacon thumbs up but I doesn't haz thumbs...iz unfortunate. :( I iz gonna go eats more bacons, I seez you laturs.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Pwetty Rock!
Today, Auntie Ashie gavied me a pwetty green rock....iz really awesome and iz circle and iz green like me....but iz lighter shades of green...iz see thruz too. I izn't see thruz I hopes! I iz tryink to fhink of a namez for my pwetty rock...but I can'tz come ups wifh one. My grandmommie would come upz with a good names for him! I will ask her later...me and Betsy andz unknowns rock iz gonna go haz adventurez now. I seez you laturs.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Yesturday my momma and grandmommie made browniez. Dey wuz very tastey. They wuz chocolate and wifh chocolate chipz and om nom nom....I iz gonna eats all da browniez. I will probablies get a tummy aches laturs, but it will be worthz it. Bye, bye. Iz gonna go eat brownies now.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Iz Coming Home!
Ashie iz coming home today. I was running lows on da love she gavied me. I iz almost outs of it now. Iz good fhink she iz gonna be able to resuppliez me when she getz back. Dat makes me happies! All my ofher friends iz happy to knowz Ashie iz coming home so dey can get hugz and stuffs. I wants hugz too, but I fhink my momma iz gonna get hug first. Or my grandmommie. I can waitz, humans runs out of loves faster anyways. I iz gonna wait excitedly till Ashie iz back. Bye bye! :)
Monday, July 16, 2012
Bob da Taco-Mustachicorn!
My momma drew this awesome picturez of a unicorn....but he iz no average unicorn. He iz thwee awesome thinks combinied. He iz tacos, mustaches, and unicorns combinied! Hiz name is Bob. If Bob iz hungries he nibbles on fingerz....I iz safe from dat cause my fingers iz too small. Ofher unicornz does not likes Bob, I doesn't knows why. I fhink Bob iz awesome. Here iza picture of him, my momma drew one so I could showz you.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
My momma haz dis candies called Smarties. Dey is sugarie and iz awesome. I iz wondering if dey makes me smarters...I could be professor Legs da frog if dey make me smarterz. I could eats oodles and oodles of dem and become uperly smart. And I won'tz talks like dis no mores cause I would be smarters. But my momma sayz dis is cute da way I talk, so I guess maybies I just eat enough Smartiez to become kinda smarts...
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Ashie went to a rodeo yestermurday. What iza rodeo? It haz big bullz in it doesn't it? I iz afraided now, big bulls squashie small froggies into da ground! I doez not wannsta be squashied! Maybe...maybe bull iz friendly to froggies? I...I does not mean no harms! I doesn't wannsta hurts nobodies. Ashie sentied my momma a picture of baby cow...or maybe he iza baby bull, I doesn't remember. Anyways, Ashie sentied me picture of a baby animalz dat she gots to pet. He wuz so cute I haz to share his picture wifh you.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Friday da Fhirteemfh
Today iz Friday da Fhirteemfh. Dat iz one-thwee. I waz toldied today iz bad lucks. I iz scareded. I fhink I shall hided in my momma's desk, dat will be safes for me. I doesn't understands what iz so unluckies about one-thwee. Iz just a numbers like every ofher number. Maybe it iz just misundermistood. I fhink one-thwee iz gonna be my new friend. Iz not scary.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Auntie Ashie iz going to Texas today. She iz gonna go visit her penpal therez. What iz Texas? I know it iz state but where iz it? Hmm...I wonder if Ashie's penpal knowz and frogz down dere she might wansta intromudooce me to. I likez to meets new frogs. I iz gonna misses her while she iz gone. Haz fun in Texas Ashie, I misses you alreadies.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Hi dere, iz me Betsy. I iz posting for Legs today cuz he said I coulds. My momma said I can haz a pony. I iz very excitied. It will be pink and flowiried likes me. And I will snugglez it and hugz it and we will be best fwiends. I wonderies when I will gets to meet dis pony. Legs sayz if I gets a pony he should gets a dragon. I hopes he gets da dragon he wantz. By da way, my poniez name will be Sparklez. I gottsta go, seez you laters.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
My momma iz going bowling! She iz going bowling wifh her cuzion and auntie Ashie and Abbee. It sounds like fun. I wannsta come, I wannasta come!! But momma sayz I can't. She sayz I doesn't haz enough fingers, and dat da bowling ball would squish me flat! *sniff* But...I wannsta.....I wannsta go bowling! Dey iz gonna play lazer tag too, but.....momma says I can't do dat neifher. Otay, me and Betsy will just makes our own bowling! Dere! We will get grandmomma to help us and we'll haz lots and lots of funs!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Hezzo dere. It stormied here last night. My momma iz trying to not makes me afraid of storms no mores. So she drew me dis cute wittle cloud. Hiz name is Puffy, aldough he doezn't looks like a storm cloud, he iz. Puffy iz my new friend and maybes I won't be afraids of storms no mores. Momma sayz when it storms Puffy iz just saying hi to me. Here iza picture of Puffy.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Founds it!
We haz found da treasure! Da treasure chest was moztly filled wifh candy and pies. But everybody gottied what they wantied. Dere waz cookies for Chompy and prizes for Spot and wigs for Topper. Da chest waz too heavy for us to lift so momma liftied it fors us. She gavied us all hugs too, and told us we wuz good adventurers. I iz off to eat some pies. Seez ya laters!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Almost Dere!
Dis is a updates about da treasure map! Chompy, Spot, and Topper haz joined our treasure map expedition! Da treasure map haz lead our crew all over da place. We iz eager to finds out what iz inside da treasure chest. Betsy is hoping for some fly piez, so iz I. Chompy hopes dere iz some cookies. Spot wants some prizes and Topper wantz wigz to plays in. I hope da chest haz all dat, but izn't too heavy for us to get outta da ground. Back to da crew I go, bye bye!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Treasure Map!
Momma drew me and Betsy a treasure map. I wonders where itz gonna lead us. I fhink it might lead us to fly pies! Dere iza big X and dats where momma says we iz supposed to go. We iz looking for anoder adventuer but we can't find one cuz Auntie Ashie izn't sure if she wants to come or nots. Even if she doez come we can always haz more adventuers. If you wannasta come just say somefhink. :D Off we go! Iz never too late to join!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Sleeping In
Hello there, it's not Legs today, or Betsy, it's their momma. Legs and Betsy have decided to sleep in, so I'm not sure what time he'll get around to posting, if he even does decide to post. So I decided, I'd just post for him. Anyway, I don't have much to say, so here...enjoy this cute picture of Legs. Here he is, enjoying a museum in Illinois.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Forfh of July
Hello dere. If you iz from United States of America happy Indepenc......happy Independenks.........
I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-c-e Day. (I finally spelled it right!) Today iz da day in United States dat we try to explode da sky in pretty colors. We also celebrates Independence todays. If you iz reading dis and not from United States, Happy Wednesday!
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I-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-c-e Day. (I finally spelled it right!) Today iz da day in United States dat we try to explode da sky in pretty colors. We also celebrates Independence todays. If you iz reading dis and not from United States, Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
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Gots my hair back! |
Monday, July 2, 2012
Hi dere...I um...gots into a bit of troubles...I was hoppin down da stairs tryin to get to my momma, and I notice dat her door is closed. I wanna see my momma cause I haz somefhink to tell her...so what does I do? I squeeze under door. When momma hears my frantic cries for helps, cause I iz stuck, she gets her phonie and takies picture...I can always relies on momma to helps me quicklie and efficiently...so anywayz...kinda stuck under a door...kinda hurties too...somebody wansta helpz me......peas?
Hi dere...I um...gots into a bit of troubles...I was hoppin down da stairs tryin to get to my momma, and I notice dat her door is closed. I wanna see my momma cause I haz somefhink to tell her...so what does I do? I squeeze under door. When momma hears my frantic cries for helps, cause I iz stuck, she gets her phonie and takies picture...I can always relies on momma to helps me quicklie and efficiently...so anywayz...kinda stuck under a door...kinda hurties too...somebody wansta helpz me......peas?
Sunday, July 1, 2012
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Sam |
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