Tomorrow starts Septembur! I iz excited! I does not want August to goes away, but Septembur iz a cool month too! I knows all my months....Januaries, Febuaries, Marches, Aprilz, Mays, Junes, Julies, Augustz, Septemburz, Octoburz, Novemburz, Decemburz. My blog haz been on internets months! I iz happy that months come backs every year, iz like seeing a old friend. Bye bye Augusts! Till next year! Hewwo Septemburz, iz nice to sees you agains.
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Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Iz Thursday-Friday, Thursday-Friiiidayyy. By dat I means, my momma iz staying homes tomorrow. She iz off school. Iza four day weekendz. I likes da idea of dat very muchs. I fhink we iz gonna do lots of fun thingz dis weekend. Hmm.....I dunno what we iz gonna do, but we iz gonna have lots and lots of funs. I fhink tomorrow we iz gonna go back in a police box! We iz gonna.....hmm......we iz pirates and sails across da seven ceez! I then since we haz done so much adventuring on Friday and Saturday we iz gonna sleep all day on Sundays.....*yawwwn* I iz tired now. Haza good day!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Rememburz when I wentied to da post office and almost got sented away in da mails? Da one dat iz supposed to get to da Spartan iz surposed to get there todayz.....Iz fun to get stuffs in da mail. I never gets any mailz.....Oh oh! My grandmommie just toldied me a great ideas! Otay! Here iz da steps!
1. Get dis picture of me rights here.
2. Right clicks on da picture.
3. Then left clicks on it and goes to "print picture".*
4. Gets me off da printer!!
5. Cuts me out of dis picture.
6. Takes a picture of me someplace fun, likes maybe a special spot where you lives by. Like da Gateway Arch. Or find a pictures online of someplace famous you likes, then hold the picture of me up to da picture of da online place, and take a picture of dat. Iz dat confoozling? I iz trying to explain da best I can.
7. Email da picture to
8. Leave a caption in da email of where I am traveling in da picture!
If you emails me da picture, in a couple weekz I iz gonna make a special post wifh all da places I was sent off to. Thankees for reading! Haza good day!
*You needs a printer for step number three! When you prints dis da picture might be kinda small!
1. Get dis picture of me rights here.
2. Right clicks on da picture.
3. Then left clicks on it and goes to "print picture".*
4. Gets me off da printer!!
5. Cuts me out of dis picture.
6. Takes a picture of me someplace fun, likes maybe a special spot where you lives by. Like da Gateway Arch. Or find a pictures online of someplace famous you likes, then hold the picture of me up to da picture of da online place, and take a picture of dat. Iz dat confoozling? I iz trying to explain da best I can.
7. Email da picture to
8. Leave a caption in da email of where I am traveling in da picture!
If you emails me da picture, in a couple weekz I iz gonna make a special post wifh all da places I was sent off to. Thankees for reading! Haza good day!
*You needs a printer for step number three! When you prints dis da picture might be kinda small!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Post Officez
I went to da post office wifh my grandmommie and Betsy yesturday. We sented a package to Texas, iz gonna get there late....and a package to a Spartan, iz gonna get there earlyz. I doesn't understands why momma sendin away packagez.....she never sendz me packagez.....I haza sad....I wuz at the post office yesturday and I wanted to see where da boxes went so I wuz sitting on one of da boxes and I was gonna see where it went.....but my grandmomma scooped me up and tooked me off the of da box....I wonder where I woulda ended woulda been a fun adventure.....Now da box haz to travel alones....I sorry box....I hazta go now and plots a way to get go on a really awesomez adventure wifh a box! To see where it endz up.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Tropical Stormz
There iza tropical storm comink to da Gulf Coast. I iz concerned! It could turns into a hurricanez, I does not wants dat. I iz glad I lives in da middle of da countries, so I doesn't haz to worries about dat....But I iz worrying abouts it anywayz! I wants da peoples who lives by the Gulf to stays safes! I hopes everybody iz otay! I wonders why there iz no Hurricane Legs, I guess I iz too awesome for dat....maybe Hurrican Legs would wanta meet real Legs and I would not want dat, hurricanez iz scary.....Nevermind I does not want a Hurricane Legs anymores! Haza good Monday and stays safes!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Iz cloudy today....a cloudy Sundayz. Sundayz iz for sun....hmm.....there iz no cloud day thoughz...I guess today can be a clouds day. Anywayz, iz a cloudy day....I fhink it might rains laturz. My momma iz making cookies todays. I iz gonna helps her make cookiez. Maybe we will watch movies todayz, or Heroes or somefhink. I think today iz gonna be a good days, even if my momma iz leaving me tomorrows wifh schoolz.....Todayz is gonna be a sits around and do nofhink dayz. Iz gonna be nices.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Last night my momma and her neighbor and sistur and couzin wents to da footballz game at her schoolz. She had oodles of funz....there wuz popcorns there tooz. I wants popcorns! Momma didn't bring any popcorns to shares wifh momma had fun at the game. I haz decided I iz gonna play football. I will be so cutes, I should be safes from tacklez....I would be a good footballz player. I blends in wifh da grass and I can hops really fasts! Here iza picture of me in my new football gears. My momma drew it for me on da laptops. I iz gonna go train for footballz! Bye nows!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Da sunrize this morning iz really purdy. Iz pink and blue and yellowz and orangez...I can sees all da sunrizeness throughs da leaves of da treez. Iz Fridays too. Iz gonna be a great day! I can tellz! Da sun iz shining and da sky iz bluuuue and da clouds is purdy and iz Friday. Sounds likes a good days to me. Haza really really really really really really really really awesomez day! I seez you tomorrows!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Legs gottied me something! Iz very awesomez! I iz so exciteds. It wuz wrapped in pretty pink papurz and ina giiiaaannnttt box! I openenied da box. Legs helpied me insides haz the greatestz stuffs ever in its. Fly piez, more fly piez, and me and Legz. Iz a new hide outs for me and Legs! He says we iz gonna get more stuffs to put in da box and iz gonna be epic hideout. We iz gonna sit in theres and eats fly piez and color picturez and all kinds of stuffz. Iz gonna be greats. I iz going back to hideout now. I seez you laturs.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Sick. :(
Somebody in one of my momma's classes madied her sick. Den she madied me sick....It iz terribullz! *cough cough* But luckies me I can just stays homes all day and doesn't haz to go anywhere or do nofhink.....I can just sleepz all days and stuffs *sniff*....dat iz good....and when my momma comez home from schoolz she makes me fly piez and gives me hugz....*cough cough, sniff* I iz gonna go now. Haza good, good, day, fullz of fly piez and cookies and *cough* bye bye nowz. Haza great day filled wifh dinosaurs too, but not da hungry kind.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Yesturday wuz my grandmommie's birfhday. She maded cake and everythings. I founded a types of cake yesturday I did not likes. It wuz sads! For my birfhday I iz gonna have fly pie cake and lots of chocolates!! I gottied my grandmommie a balloon for her birfhday. It wuz green and anodher one wuz pink, from Betsy. I tiedied myself to da balloon and hopped around all days like I was on da moon. I gottied too close to da door outsides and almost went flyink aways! All of dis was after I becamied a warrior by da way. I hopied you likied my story. Haza good day! Happy Tuesdayz!
Monday, August 20, 2012
I iz gonna be a warrior! Becomez a frog warrior! I shall haz a sword and a helmetz and I shall be likez....really awesome lookink in all my froggie warrior gear! I iz gonna be like a knightz or a spartan or somefhink awesome like dat! Iz gonna be really really awesomes. I iz gonna ride dragons and ponies too and they iz gonna be my loyal mountz. I shall also protects da innocent princessez! Ride like da wind pony! We haz a princessez to rescuez! Haza good Monday! Bye byes!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
My momma finished a really really really big bookz today. Haz more pages in its than I can five hundred gazillion. Iza big number....I can only counts to...a
hundred. I fhink that iza hundreds....maybe I skippied a couple numberz....maybe I can'ts counts to a hundredz...Iz hard for me to count! I only haz two fingurz on each hand!! I iz gonna go get betturz at counting. To likes....ten or somefhink....bye byez! Haza good Sunday!
hundred. I fhink that iza hundreds....maybe I skippied a couple numberz....maybe I can'ts counts to a hundredz...Iz hard for me to count! I only haz two fingurz on each hand!! I iz gonna go get betturz at counting. To likes....ten or somefhink....bye byez! Haza good Sunday!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Da weathur outside today iz rather nice. I fhink I shall play outsides today. Da sun iz shining da sky is blu and da clouds are happy in da sky. Iza gooooooood day. I fhink I iz gonna hop around outside in da grass and play and stuffs. Da weather iz soooo nice I iz gonna spend all day outsides! Off I go! To da outside worldz! Byez! Haza good Saturday and enjoy da weather!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Pwetty Cake
My grandmomma foundied me this really awesomes cake! Iz all fall like and cakie and it haz a froggie on da top! Iz me! I iz on a cake!! Well....iz not really me....iz a relative of me....anywayz it is a frog and dat is what counts! I is so excited I just hads to shares it wifh you. There iza picture on da side of the screen for youz to sees it. I iz gonna give a links too. It iza really purty cake maded by Frosted Art Bakery and Studio. Bronwen Weber runs dat company and it iz really awesome. I likes to look at her cakez cause dey is cool and pretty (like dis one!) and sometimes dey haz cute animals on them. (like this one too!) Looking at Bronwen's cakes makes me wanna eat cakes.....I haz to find some first.....enjoy da picture and link! I iz gonna go look for some cakez! Oh and haza gooooooood Friday too!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Rain iz Comingz
Da rain iz coming. I likes rainz....I fhink I will goes outsides and sit in da rains....But den I might get sicks.....I doesn't want dat....rainz is nices n stuffz. I wonders why sky iz crying all da times. Did somebodies hurt it's feelingz? I iz sorry somebody hurtied your feelingz sky! I wuv you! You iz very purty and awesomes. Sky you iz da best! Happy Thursday by da way. Only one more day till weekendz!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Birdz Feedurz?
Why doez birdz get special feedurz? I iz frog I iz hungries too. Don't see no fly piez sitting aroundz in feedurz. Why iz there no frog feedurz? Dis is a good question and I wansta know. Maybeez frogs shoulds dress up like birdies so dey can get foods in feedurz too? Hmm....dere iz green birdeez. Likes Yago....hmm....I fhink if enough froggiez dress up likes birdies den we can get feedurz too. But wifh fly I haz to figure out how to get peoplez to put fly piez in feedurz....
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Frog Love
Oh my dearest sweet Lady Frog,
My lovies for you, my sweet ladie, extendz farther than my tongue does, to reach the farest away fliez. I lovez you more dan all da fly piez in da world. Nofhink can comparez to da wayz I wuvz youz.
To my one and onliez:
I lovez you oodles unpon oodles unpon oodlez. Dat iz a lots. I lovez you more dan all da fliez in fly piez. Dat iz a lot too....I loviez you more dan lilypadz too....I doez not likez it when Ashie smashied my face into da table....but I wuv you Legz.
My lovies for you, my sweet ladie, extendz farther than my tongue does, to reach the farest away fliez. I lovez you more dan all da fly piez in da world. Nofhink can comparez to da wayz I wuvz youz.
To my one and onliez:
I lovez you oodles unpon oodles unpon oodlez. Dat iz a lots. I lovez you more dan all da fliez in fly piez. Dat iz a lot too....I loviez you more dan lilypadz too....I doez not likez it when Ashie smashied my face into da table....but I wuv you Legz.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Iz Monday Again
Iz Monday.....I doezn't like Monday. My momma leaves me for schoolz todays. I doesn't wants dat. I wants my momma to stay home all dayz and every weekz. Mondayz makes me sads.....I sorry Monday if I hurtied your feelingz! If you reading dis, you can make it through Monday! I sayz you can! Friday iz just around the corner! Trusts me I iz smarts! Haza really, really, really, really, really good day!! :D
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Olympicz iz Overs
Olympicz ends todays. Dat makes me sads. I had a fun times watching da Olympicz though. Iz cool to see all da people from around da world. I went to Olympics and earnied da gold medal in cuteness. It was a chocolate coin though but it tasted good....I also particiated in every Olympic event there iz. I wuzn't very good at Gymnastics boat went around in circlez in kayaking....and my famous Olympic dive wuz da cannonball....I did a good job wifh da cuteness contest and da jumping. Being cute and a reallies awesome Olympic athlete is tiring. I iz going to take a nap. Bye bye! Zzzz....
Saturday, August 11, 2012
I iz watching da Olympicz again. I fhink da sport iz tae kwon do but I iz not sure. They iz just ninjas I fhink. They iz like ninja epic kicking-ness ands ninja epic attacking-ness. Dey must be ninjaz. I iz sures of it. Dey izn't wearing black though, Iz wearing red and bluez.....maybe dey izn't ninjaz after alls. Otay....I guess dey iz not ninjas.....otays. Well I iz watching da Olympics anywayz, and dey iz not ninjas.....but dat iz otay.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Iz Friday, Friday! Momma iz gonnasta stayz home for TWO days! Iz weekends! YAAAYYYY!! :) I haz excitedment. I wonders whats fun planz momma haz for the weekends. I hope she includez me in does plans! Haz a really awesome Fridayz!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
It thundured last night. I wuz not afraided of it dis time thoughs! Momma told me how Thor iz da God of thunder and Thor iz not scary. Thor iz one of the Avengers and the Avengerz keeps peoples safes. Thor iz a movie too. Iza good movie. I sorries this post iz short. My momma can'ts really helps me wifh it cause she haz to go to schools. :( I seez you laters! Sorriez!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
School Bus
I seez lots of school busez now. Doez dey eats childrens?! I seez dem gets on da buses but doez not see dem come off till laturz.....oh...buses doez not eat childrenz. Dey just take childrens to schoolz. I gets it nowz. I iz gonna see a lots more of dem school buses. School iz starting ups again! Haz good day today and if you iz going to school for new school year welcomes back!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Summer iz overs for my momma. Todays is her last day anywayz. Tomorrowz she goes back to schoolz and stuffs. Why does momma haz to leaves me agains? I iz going to misses her. I guesses she haz to go to schools to get knowledgez. I haz knowledgez, but doesn't know as muches as my momma does. Here iz a picture of a frog playingz a banjoz to makes your days betterz.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Today I iz gonna post about Curiosity da rover dat iz taking picturez of Mars! I fhink Curiosity iz cute.....I would keep Curiosity companiez on Mars, but dat iz too far away so I willz stays here insteads. Curiosity iz taking pictures of Mars for knowledge and stuffs. I haz lots of knowledgez, but doez not knows much about Mars so dis post will be kindaz shorts. I sorries. Haza good Mondayz and stay curiouz!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
I haz a donut! Donutz has sugar! That makes me hhhhhyyyyyppppppeeeeerrrrrr!! You can't tell cause you izn't looking at me but I iz hopping up and down and up and down and up and down over and over and over and over and overz! I fhink maybe donuts haz a bit too much sugars for me! I cannot handlez it! I will explodes of sugarie goodness! Or...maybe.....I'll....just wearz....myselfs out.....Zzzzzzz.....
Saturday, August 4, 2012
I iz wondering.....what doez "lucky" meanz? When you haz a good day? Does dat make you lucky? Or maybees when you finds a penny on da side of da road? Iz it lucky when you gets somethink you haz been trying to gets for a while? Or iz lucky when you finds dat pot of gold at da end of da rainbows?...hmm....I just doezn't know. Or maybe we iz all lucky?...hmm....I did nots considers dat....if you iz having bad day and doesn't fhink you iz lucky, remembers, I, King Legs da frog, loves you and appreciates you taking your times to read dis. I wuv you and haz a good day! Here iz a inspirational messagez to makes todays lucky for youz.

Friday, August 3, 2012
Doesn't tells my momma but I haz been eating da candiez she leftied on her desk. Me and Betsy haz been munching on dem while she izn't here. Om nom nom. I fhink if she doezn't wants us to eats it she shouldn't leaves it down here in plain sights. Oh iz Friday I just noticeied dat. Iz Friday, Friday.....hmm.....I haz candy and iz Friday. Iz bound to be a good day! I iz gonna go eat more candies now. Haza good day and weekend iz almost here!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Hello dere! I haz good newz! Dis haz nofhink to do wifh me at allz, but a elephantie at da zoo my momma goez to iz going to haz a baby! Iz expected for Spring of 2013. I iz excited now! Maybe I can make friends wifh elephant? Hmm....I doezn't haz lots of elephant friendz. Only Gizzy. Dat iz otay though. Gizzy is a good friendz for me so I iz happy. Anywayz, baby elephantz iz very adorablez so when she iz born (iz female baby elephant!) I will goes to seez her. I fhink we will becomez friendz and she can givez me rides on her head and stuffz. All dis typing iz making me tireds! I iz going back to sleeps! Zzzzz....
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
I iz back to talking about Olympics. Today I iz watching Archery. I fhink I will become Katniss and shoot epicly n stuffz. I iz also watching Gymnastics but it haz been determined I can't does dat stuffs. Frogz iz not flexible....My tounge haz good aims when catching flies. Maybe I can haz good Archery aims too? If eating fly piez was Olympic sports I would win. But iz not a sport....maybe I'll just watches insteads. Bye byes! Seez you laters!
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