Dis haz been a really really long adventures...likes...a whole year and a quarters I believes. I would just likes to say it haz been a lot of fun! I ejnoyed tellings you about my adventures on my blogz. I hopes you liked readings it. Dis iz not a good byes forever, it iz not really even a good byes at all. It iz a sad bye bye...I just doesn't haz time for my blogz much anymores. I are growing up to becomes a better froggie! I needs to expands my adventures to farther away places. I feels like if I keeps running my blogz and not updatings wifh bigger and better adventures. (I haz not been giving very good updatez recently) I fhink it iz not really fairs to give updates about not very much fun adventurez! I iz going to bigger and betters places. I fhank you for coming alongz on my adventures. I hopes dat I will run into yous again! Dis iz not a forever good byes. It iz just...a ta ta for nows. Untillz I sees you again, haz a great day, haz a good night, haz a wonderful adventures full of froggies or puppies and time travelings! Oh and foodz too, you will get hungries along the way. Bye bye interwebz, I will sees you again.
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Sunday, April 28, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Allergies. :(
I fhink I iz allergic to my own cuteness. I iz sooo cute dat I makes myself allergics. I need to stop being so cute. I wish I coulds though. I will try to stop being so cutes. Sees you later, I iz not going to be cute when I comes back.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
I are going to make somefhing out of clayz. It iz going to be greens and cutes like ME! I iz going to make something pink and cute for Betsy too. Off I goes! Sees you later!!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
There haz been so much rains dat part of St. Louis iz floodings. I will get a boat and rides down da floods wifh it. It will be funs....if you lives in da flooding parts of any state, be carefuls!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
I are counting da silences todays. So far I haz found tree silences. :D I are being a whovian todays. It iz really fun. I iz going to count more silences. I see you laters.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Earth Dayz
Today iz Earth Day. I likes Earth Day. It iz a day to celebrate da Earth. I fhink everyday should be a days to celebrates da Earth! Plants a tree today! Or sings a song! Enjoy da Earth but gives back to it!
Sunday, April 21, 2013
I iz sick so todays post iz going to be shorts. I sorry I didn't post earliers. Haz a good night and sees you in da mornings.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Auntie Ashie was lookings at colleges todays. It iz still two yearz away but I does not want her to goes to colleges. She will forgets about me. :( I iz sure she wills. I iz going to make her stays here forevers!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Class Cooollooorrrz
Today iz another class colorz day. My momma's class color iz still green. I fhink I represent dat color very well. I iz all green! I want to go to schools for class colors day! I wants to go!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
momma iz hazing a history parties today! It iz goings to be funs! But I can't goes...I will be there in spirits!! Dat will be cool. I haz to go, sees you laters.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Flowers Bloomingz
Flowers iz bloomingz. They iz really purdy. I wonder why froggies does not bloom or comes in or out of seasons. We could be in seasons during da springs and summers den sleep all falls and winters...but den I would miss Santa in da winter!! neverminds! I does not want to come in and outs of seasons anymores!!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Boston :(
Yesturday the Boston Marathon was being held. At the finish line two bombs went off, and many peoples were injured and at least two people were killed. I iz very sad about dis, I wish fhings like dis didn't happen. I will sends my happy thoughts to Boston and hope dat nothing else bad happens anywheres.
Monday, April 15, 2013
What iz EOC? Every ofher cat? Everythingz over chocolate?....My momma says she haz to take EOCs today but I doesn't even know what they iz. She iz in such a hurries she wouldn't tells me. She just rans off...I will have to figure out what EOCs iz and den tells you and I will be back laters.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Mattress Sleddingz!
I haz a air mattress and it iz not being used so I fhink I will put airs in it and sleds down the stairs!! I iz going to do dat tomorrow while my momma iz gone for schools. Sees you laters...I haz to get sleeps so I can be ready for sleddingz.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Block Schedulez?...
My momma says she haz to haz "block schedulez" for da next three weeks at schools. What iz dat supposed to means? Does blocks come to schools and go wifh her to classes? Does wooden blockz teach classes? I iz very confused. Dis does not makes much senses to me...I will asks her to explains...
Friday, April 12, 2013
Yellow Birdie...
Hewwo little yellow birdie. You iz sitting outside on da bird feeder. I fhink you iz a very pretty yellow birdie. I will sit and watches you till you flies away. Good bye yellow birdies. Haz a good day. I will waits for you to comes back...
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Eep. Tornadoez...
There waz a storm here last nights. And a big tornadoes came and hurtied some people's houses. :( I fhink it iz very sad. On da plus sides, nobody was hurted. Only da houses. It iz still sads, but it could haz been a lot worses. I hopes you iz otay peoples! Stay strongs!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Field Trips?...
Auntie Ashie iz on a field trip to the zoo. I fought it would be a fun places to go, but den I learned she really meants Mizzou, da collegez. I wonder why my momma doesn't gets to go on field trips. We could goes to da real zoo. I fhink dat would be funs. Momma says she used to have field trips when she was in little kids schoolz. But she doesn't haz dem anymore. Dat makes me sad....I will plans a field trip for hers! Off I goes! Bye bye haz a nice day!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Springs haz sprungs! Since it iz springs, I iz going to hop around on a pair of springs. I will hop really really highs!!! I needs to go find springs! Sees you laters!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Here iz 5 reasons why today iz not going to be any goods.
1. Iz Monday.
2. Iz nowhere near Fridays.
3. Iz 6 a'clock on a Mondays morning.
4. I iz tired and it iz Monday.
5. IT IZ MONDAY!!! My momma iz leaving me todays. :(
Sigh...I hopes you haz a good day, or tries anyways.
1. Iz Monday.
2. Iz nowhere near Fridays.
3. Iz 6 a'clock on a Mondays morning.
4. I iz tired and it iz Monday.
5. IT IZ MONDAY!!! My momma iz leaving me todays. :(
Sigh...I hopes you haz a good day, or tries anyways.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Hewwo. Iz me Betsy todays. I met a kitty earlier today. He wuz very nice. I gotted lost todays when I was off for a hops, and he tolds me how to gets back home. Fhank you kitty! I hopes you haz a nice day! I appreciatedz da helps! Haz a good night everybodies, see yous later.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
It iz hot insides. I iz sweaty. I does not fhink frogs can sweats though. Iz dat even possible? I iz confoosed now...It iz a good thing dat it iz getting hotter though. Summer iz comings! I iz excited! Sees you laters!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Feels Better!!!
I haz a relative. I iz not sure what he iz to me, because it iz hard for my froggie brain to figures out. But he does not feel goods right now. So I iz hoping dat he feels better. I will give him a hug across da internets. /huuugggg. Feels better soon!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Om Nom!
Yesterdays my momma went to da store and got me and Betsy and Petunia a new friends. His name iz Om Nom, he likes candies likes me and Betsy does. Petunia haz never had candies. Know what dat means? We iz going to get a ton of candies and eats it! It iz going to be lots of funs. I iz going to be very hyper and exciteds. Off I goes! Bye bye!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
I iz going to eat a lot of strawberries so a tree can grows inside my tummy because last time I tried it didn't work. Om nom nom. Haz a good day full of strawberries.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Today is Tewsday. Dat means it iz only...one...tew...fhree...four...four more days till da weekends. I wonder what adventures we will goes on dis weekends. Maybe we will meet dragonz and warriors! And pheonixez! And maybe even giantz!! Maybe we will go to da magical land of Oz and see da wizard! I fhink dat would be fun. I will imagines what we will does dis weekend in da mean time. Haz a good day!
Monday, April 1, 2013
April Fewls
Today momma's phone iz playing a really mean tricks and not working wells, so I can'ts really posts. :( Sorries. Haz a good night, sees you tomorrows!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
New York
Today me and Petunia and Betsy went time travelings to New York. Not really time travelings...but we went travelings. Hoppeds into our cardboard box and wents to NYC. Petunia and Betsy wented shopping and den we went to da Statue of Liberty! It iz greenish like me! After that we wents to the Empire State Building. It was REALLY talls! I wish I could hops dat high! We time traveled home after dat. Now we iz tired. Night night!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
My momma iz going to sees a movie today wifh her friends. I will miss her because she will be gone. :( But it will be otay because she will be having fun and dat will gives me and Besty and Petunia time to adventures!! I can't waits! Maybe we will time travels!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Six Flagz
Today my momma went to Six Flags wifh two of her friends and a new friends she met todays. She boughted a froggie there for Auntie Ashie, I hope she iz not trying to replaces me. :( Froggies name is Petunia. Iz a pretty name. She iz a purple froggie. Maybe she will be friends wifh me and Betsy!! I hopes so! I iz going to go talk to her, bye byes!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Movingz. :(
My momma iz going to be moving and I doesn't want to get left behinds but I doesn't want to leaves dis house eifher. She will forgets about me and leaves me behind, dat iz what will happen. Or she won't finds a new spot for me to lives and will leave me in a box forevers. I hope she does not do dat, but I fhink she wills. I will hide from her if she wants to puts me in a box! But den she will leaves me behind. :( I cannot wins. I will come up wifh a plan to not be left behind later...
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
I haz gum! It iz a fancy fhing called "Car Cup" it haz a loooootttt of gum in its. I fhink I will chews it ALL rights now. Den blow a big bubble! Would I floats away? I hope dat doesn't happens. I would just keep floating and driftings away...dat would makes me a little sad. I would miss my momma off in da sky! I will not chew all da gum, I will just chew one pieces...om nom nom. Bye bye! Sees you laters!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
My momma iz going back to schoolz now. Sighs. I wants her to stays home wifh me forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever...but I guess dat iz not possibles. :( I want to go to schools wifh my momma so I can become smarticles. But she says dat frogs get disecteds in biology, and I does not want dat...so I iz trapped here. :( Haz a good day, I will only be hazing a good day when my momma comes home...
Monday, March 25, 2013
Auntie Ashie says dat frogs goes into hibernations when it gets too colds outside. I does not want to go into.hibernations! I iz tired, but not dat tireds. Hibernations would be a long times away from my momma, and I would not like dat! I will go to sleeps now so I will not need to hibernates!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Snow dayz!
Tomorrow iz a snow days for my momma so we iz going to make cookies. I like cookies. Dey iz going to be oatmeals cookies. Mmmm. I know horses likes oatmeals...does they like oatmeal cookies? I iz going to make a snowmens tomorrow and feed him oatmeal cookies!! Dat iz a good idea! Sees you tomorrow! Haz a nice night!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
I haz balloons, I iz happies. I fhink I will hops on one of them and floats away! Dat would be a fun adventures!! I will does dat now! Bye bye! I will be back soons!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Halls Of Fame
I iz going to da halls of fame. I doesn't know how I will accomplishes dis yet, but I willntry. I fhink maybe I can get into da halls of fame by being cutes. Wishes me luck!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Today me and momma and Betsy played checkerz and it was funs. I wish checker pieces was green and pink, or in da shape of froggies. Dat would be awesomes. I will makes my own checkerz that iz green and pink and froggies! It will be amazingz!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Ice Creamz!
I haz ice ceeams! I iz a very happy froggie. Ice creams is cold though, and I iz cold now!! Bbbbrrrrr. I fhink I will need a hug to warms me up now. Any volunteers? Peas? Hmm...otay den, I will just snuggle wifh my momma instead. Night night.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
My head huwts. I iz going to bed earlies. I hopes you haz a good night. Sees you tomorrows.
Monday, March 18, 2013
I haz camoflaugez. I iz blending in wifh da grass I iz sitting in. If da world was upside downs, and da grass was blues, but sky was greens, I would blend in wifh da sky. It would be scarries if da sky was greens though. I fhink I would rather blends in wifh trees and grasses. I will sits in grass now, and waits for unsuspectings person to walks by....since I haz camoflauge, dey will never sees me coming...shhh, I iz waiting...
Sunday, March 17, 2013
It iz thundering here and rainingz. I iz scared!! Thunder won't eats me, will it? I hope it will nots. I will just trys to sleep, and hopes dat rain goes away...good nights.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Winter iz not even gone yet, and I already misses it. I miss da snow and da cold weather and da trees having no leafz...but that iz otay. Spring iz coming! Den summer, and falls, and winters again! But I will really miss da snows.
Friday, March 15, 2013
My auntie Ashie haz a new bean bag and hiz name is Foof. He iz really comfy to lay on for a little froggie likes me. I like Foof a lot. There iz lots of places to hide on or arounds Foof. There iz blankets on Foof for a forts too! I will go snuggle on Foof now, haz a good night.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Dinosaurs! Rawwwrr!
Me and mommy and Betsy iz going to travel back in times to visit dinosaurs todays. We haz lots of candy and treats so they will not want to eats us. I fhink we will make good friends wifh dinosaurs. Wish us lucks wifh dinosaurs!! Haz a good day!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Today haz a lot of 3's in it. It haz three threes!! I fhink that is really awesomes. Three iz one of my favorite numbers. But I can't pick favorites cause dat would hurt all da other numbers feelingz. I would not like dat. Next years 4-14-14 will haz a lot of fours in it. I fhink that'll be awesomes! I hope you enjoyed da day of threes!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Today my momma gotted some bookz in da mail. Bookz iz good. Dey is good for readings and readings makes you smartciles!!! I likes books. I iz going to go reads books now. I will ses you later. Haz good night.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Today me and my momma wented on a lots of adventures and did a lots of stuffs. We had funs too. I iz really tired now. I will be going to sleeps now. Good night, I hopes you had a good day.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
So todays my grandmommie froggie and Auntie Ashie and my granddaddy froggie was watching James Bond. I wants to be a spy toos. I will be Legs...Legs Dafrog. Like Bond, James Bond... :D Excepts my first name comes first, Bond'z last name always comes first when he intromurdices himselfs.
Earlies Post...
I did not post yesterdays. :( I did means too though! I was just really busies. I iz sorries. Dis will be a earlies post for Sundays. I hopes you had a good days today.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Today iz Friday and my momma has a really long weekends. I iz excited. I doesn't have much times to talk....so I will just says hewwo and bye bye and haz a good day.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
My momma was givied another froggie. He iz green likes me, but iz bigger dan I iz. He ribbits too, I doesn't think he speaks Englishes...but dat is otay. He iz really cute, likes me. He likes to sings too. Me and Hank haz a lot in common. I haz a picture of Hank I will post on blog laters, so you can see all his cuteness. Ashie givied Hank to my momma. He iz part of our families now. :D Haz a good day, spends time wifh your families!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Today iz Wednesdays. There iz only two more days till my momma iz going to stays home for two whole weekz. I iz going to be happy about dat. I fhink when my momma stays home we will haz many adventures so I haz interesting things to posts about. I will do dat! I shall plans adventures now. Haz a good day!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Happy Burfphday Ashieeee
Today iz my auntie Ashie's burfphday. I hope she haz a good burphday! I will goes now and gives her hugs. Bye bye, haz a good day.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Spring Breakz!
Lring breaks iz coming. Dat means my momma will be homes for two weekz. I like da sound of dat! I fhink we will haz an adventures over breaks. Maybe we will goes and makes friends wifh dragons! And feed ponies toos! I fhink we will does dat. Maybe we will even makes cookies. I will make plans while my momma iz at school dis week. Haz a good night, sees you tomorrow.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Today I haz made friez out of potatoes and eated dem too. They was really tasties. I iz very prouds of myself for making friez. :D I iz going to go shows my momma da friez I maded!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Hewwo...bye byes!!
I does not haz a lot of times to talk today!! I only really haz time to say, hewwo, and bye byes. I hopes you haz a good day!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Hat Days
Today iz a hat day at my momma's schoolz to raises money for fanconi anemia. She iz going to donates a dollar so she can wear a reindeers hat today. :D It iz going to be awesomes. I hopes you haz a good day!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Ookies! Ookies!!! Oookiiiiieeeesss!!!
Girl Scout Cookies iz coming today! OOOOKIIIIEEEESSSS!!!! I iz very exciteds. I can't waits to munch on ookies wifh my momma and Betsy. We will haz fun wifh dat. I iz going to wait excitedlys for ookies...bye bye! HAZ A GOOD DAAAAYYY!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Rain rain....
It iz raining. Da snow iz all meltings away because of da rains. Bye bye snows....come back again soons, peas....I did luff you snow. My snowarmies is melted now...Hopefully it will comes back soon thoughs....I can goes and play in da rain now...I iz gonna do dat. Bye bye! Haz a good day!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Rains rains...
Rain iz coming tonights. I iz happies. I likes da rains. I will play in da rain and we will be friends...I iz gonna sit by da windows and waits for da rain. Haz a good day! Bye byes.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Da snow iz meltingz. :( I haz a sad now. I wish da snow did not haz to melt. If it did not melts den my momma could stays home aaaaalll da time....I will haz one last frolick in da snow before it goes aways. Bye bye! Haz a good eveningz!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Me and Betsy builded an entires army of snowmens and snowfrogz and even maded a snowfortz today. We hads a tons of fun. I fhink it iz sad that our army iz going to melts later. :( Hopefullies they can stays togethers though, in da great snow beyonds! Or snow heavens, whatever it iz calleds. I iz tired from all dat snow, I will sees you later. Haz a good night. Dreams of snow!
Friday, February 22, 2013
My momma haz had two snowdayz this weeks which means she will haz a four day weekends which means she will haz more time to spends wifh me!! I iz excited. I wonder what kinds of fun stuffs we will be doings this weekends....hmm...maybe we will makes a snowman!! I hopes you hads a good day. Good nights!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
I iz sorry I could not post earliers today. My momma movied roomz today so I hads to pack up all my stuffs and moves wifh her. I fhink it iz lonely in here right nows. All of my stuffed animals friends is still downstairz and I iz upstairz. Iz just me, Pablo, Betsy, and Burrows...and my momma too, but iz still too lonelies for me. I fhink I will goes to bed now and help my friends moves in tomorrow. Good nights.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
It iz going to snows tomorrow morning. And my momma iz probably not going to haz school tomorrows or Fridays...dat means four day weekends for me and my mommas. Dat makes me happy. I hopes she haz snow so we can haz more time togethers. I hopes you haz a good day! Happy wednesdayz!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Today iz Tuesdays, but it feels like Mondayz...My momma hads yesterdays off. I wish she hads todays off toos. Or maybe tomorrows too. I wants her to stay home and be wifh me alllllll day. But she can'ts. :( I will just haz to go snuggle my grandmommie and we can both misses my momma togethers.
Monday, February 18, 2013
My momma boughted a posters today. Auntie Ashie boughted ones too. One of dem haz a panda on its and da ofher one iz a maps. I fhink my momma should haz a poster wifh me on it....I will tells her that. I will sees you later...bye byes!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
I iz sorry I could not post earliers today. I was sicks. :( I iz going to go to bed earlies too. I hopes you had a good day and will haz a good night. Sees you tomorrows.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
I does not haz much to says today...I just hopes you haz had a good day. I will sees you tomorrows.
Friday, February 15, 2013
I likes Fridays. Iz a three days weekend too. I likes dat. Me and Betsy and Burrows iz going to run about todays and waits for my momma to come homes. I wonder what we iz going to does over da weekends...haz any suggestions? Hmm...I hopes you haz a good day!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Valentines Days
Today I gotted Betsy somefhing for Valentines days. It iz a bunches of flowers and some chocolatez and stuffs. I hope she likes its. I also gotted her some pink stuffs to decorates our lilypads wifh...I iz going to give them to hers later. I hopes you haz a good valentines day and gotted somefhin nice for your sweet lady frogz.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
I haz a suprise for somebodies dat means a lots to me but I can't says who dat iz because she reads my blogz. I really hopes she likes it!! I iz so exciteds to gives it to her! I would likes to gives you hints but I can'ts. You will just haz to wait and sees! Till tomorrows! I hopes you haz a good day.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Sick. :(
I iz sick. Ashie iz sick. Betsy iz sick...everybodies is sick. Dis is no funs. I doesn't enjoy being sick. I fhink I will finds some juice or waters to helps me feel betters...or cookies. Does will makes me feels better...I hopes you haz a good day. I iz going to takes a nap...Zzzz...
Monday, February 11, 2013
It iz very windyz outside. I hopes I does not flys away. D: I fhink dat will not be fun. I iz very light and it iz very very windyz. I will fly away if it iz too windyz. Peas does not sweeps me away winds. I wants to stay right heres wifh my momma. I does not wants to be blowns away. Flyings would be fun, but not for froggiez. Only for creatures wifh wings like birdies and stuffs. Peas don't sweeps me away winds....thankees. Haz a good day.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
I fhink puppiez might be even as cute as we frogz iz. I wuff their cute wittle paws and cute puppy faces...dey iz jsut so adorables...I likes kitties toos. I fhink they iz adorable toos. If I was not a froggie I would likes to be a kitty...I fhink froggies makes people happy but so does kitties....haz a good day! I hopes I made you happys! Or a puppy or kitty dids!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
I writed a song. I sings it.
I'd like to teach da frogz to sing, in perfect harmonieeesss.
We will hops around all day today, and sing along all da way.
We'll eats fly pies and watch da clouds in da skiieeeeesss.
Da time will just pass by.
If all da frogs could sings in harmonies, happy froggies we all would be.
But not all da froggies know dis song, so they can'ts all sing alongs.
I'd like to teach da frogz to sing, in perfect harmonies...
Did you likes it?
I'd like to teach da frogz to sing, in perfect harmonieeesss.
We will hops around all day today, and sing along all da way.
We'll eats fly pies and watch da clouds in da skiieeeeesss.
Da time will just pass by.
If all da frogs could sings in harmonies, happy froggies we all would be.
But not all da froggies know dis song, so they can'ts all sing alongs.
I'd like to teach da frogz to sing, in perfect harmonies...
Did you likes it?
Friday, February 8, 2013
I haz grape juices...and orange juices...annnnddd...toast! and it iz Friday. I fhink this will be a good days. FRIDAY FRIDAYYYY! Almosts da weekends! Yay!! I haz to go, bye byeeeee! Oh and because I haz drinked a lots of juice I iz hypers!! Haz a great dayyy!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
My momma iz talking about the Blues and hockeys. I think there shoulds be a team of froggies in hockey. That would be awesomes. I doesn't really understands hockeys, but dat is otay. It iz just fun to watchs....I fhink I will become da first frog hockey players. I iz going to train for dat. Bye bye haz a good day.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
I haz some marshmellowz! They iz really awesomes. I drewied a face on ones of them and puts him in the microwaves and he got reaaaalllyyyy bigs. It was really awesomes. I likes marshmellows. They iz squishy and softs and fun to eats. Om nom noms. I like smores toos. Warms and chocolate-y and marshmellow-y....mmmm...I fhink me and Besty will goes and make smores now. Bye byes. Haz a good day.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
My momma iz gettings a class rings. I wonder why I does not gets a rings. Will it not fits on my fingers? :( I wants a rings too! But I fhink it would be a bracelets for me....maybe I will not gets a ring because I iz not in a gradumerating class....that iz no fun. :( I will haz to find myselfs a ring. Bye byes...sees you laters.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Da Ravens won da super bowl yesterdays. I was rooting for dem. I iz happy they wons. I fhink they did goods. Oh and I haz cupcakes todays. I hopes you haz a good day. Happy Mondays.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Laaazzyyy Dayz
Today I iz taking a lazy dayz. I iz not going to post much todays. Just going to says hi then I iz going to run off and plays in da snow. Hewwo. Sees you tomorrow. Here I comes snow!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Being a Groundhoggie
Today I was beingz a groundhogz. I sat on da ground and eated lots of foods like a hog. Iz that what groundhogs does?...I did not haz the buck teefh to be a real groundhogz thoughs....does groundhoggies haz buck teefh? Iz I getting confoozled wifh beavers? I tried really hards to be a groundhoggie today. I fhink all I managed waz sitting outsides on da ground and eatings foods and watching da sun sets....but that iz not bad, iz it?
Friday, February 1, 2013
Iz I related to dinosaurz?....I looks like a dinosaurs...doesn't I?...maybe I haz dinosaur relativez. Like Godzilla or somefhings....I fhink I mights be too smalls to be relateds to Godzillas. Maybe he iz my great great great great great great great great great great greaaaatttt grandpaz....It could be possibles couldn't its? I fhink the rests of my family livez in Illinois anyways...so I doesn't gets to see them....I fhink if I was realtedz to Godzillas and he dids live in Illinois I would be ables to see him from here because he iz BIIIIIIIIIGGG!!!...I guess I will haz to find my families tree and traces it or somefhings....I will sees you laters. Haz a great days.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
I haz a map. My momma coloredz it fors me! I iz very happies. I fhink it iz a treasureeeee maaaaappp!! Does you know what that meanz? It means there iz treasures to finds! I hope it iz cookies or fly pies....I iz going to go searches for treasures now. Bye byes!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Hi sorries I doesn't haz too much to say. My train of toughtz is stuck at the stations and I iz not thinking of anything to posts about....so I will just says haz a good day. Sees you tomorrows.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Today iz Tuesdays. Dat means only a couple more days untills da weekends! I will rename todays to Adventures Tuedays! I doesn't know where we will goes for adventures....Maybees to mounts Everestz and climbs it. I fhink I will freeze....froggies iz not warm blooded creaturez...
Hmm...I will haz to find some ofher place to goes on adventrues to...
Maybe I wills travel to Alaskas instead...I fhink that is still too colds for me...sigh...I will just stays home. No adventures Tuesdays...bye byes. Haz a good day.
Hmm...I will haz to find some ofher place to goes on adventrues to...
Maybe I wills travel to Alaskas instead...I fhink that is still too colds for me...sigh...I will just stays home. No adventures Tuesdays...bye byes. Haz a good day.
Monday, January 28, 2013
I haz found some green paintz! I can paints a picture of myselfs! Hopefullies I can finds some brown and pink paintz too so I can paints Burrowz and Betsy in my pictures too. I will gives us all wingz. We will be like airplanez!! Froggiez can fllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I just fhought of something! We can goes on adventures in picturez! Or maybees I will draws pictures of adventures!! That iz what I will does! Bye bye! Haz a good day, I iz going to go paints.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Pie Landz!
Me and Betsy and Burrowz took an adventures today to Pie Landz. There iz lots of pies there. Cherries and apples and chocoaltes and pumpkinz. Lots and lots of piez. I like Pie Landz. We was at PIe Landz all day. We frolicked in fieldz of whipped creams (because sometimez you put thats on pie) and we eated chocolate chips...Soundz great doesn'ts it? Here iz the no fun part. It was justs a dream. :( I was dreamingz about pie...but when I waked up...There waz pie from my momma waitings for me!!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Hum de dums.
I did not haz much to posts about today. Sorries. Me and Betsy and Burrows trieds to goes on an adventures today but we could not makes it very far. It was very colds outsides. Maybes we will goes on an adventures tomorrows. I hopes so. I hopes you hads a good day todays too. Haz a good day tomorrows too.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Green Fridayz
Today my momma hadz a pet assemblies. I did not haz time to post this mornings because she hads to leave really earlies. I sorries. My momma's class color iz greens like me. That makes me happies. I hopes to post earliers tomorrow. Sorries.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Meerkat Bobz!
Me and Betsy haz a new friend. His name iz Meerkat Bob. Or Burrows. Whichever you wants to calls him. My momma found him yesterdays at the stores and gotted him for my grandmommie cause she didn't feel goods. Merkat Bob gets to hangs out wifh me and Betsy now. I fhink today we will goes outside and he can teaches us froggies how to burrows....wait there iz snow on the grounds. We can't do that. :( We will does that sometime soon then insteads. We iz gonna go introduce Meerkat Bob to cookies. Sees you later!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Haz a sad
I haz a sad because there iz snow on da grounds but my momma iz not homes today. Normally if there iz snow it iz a snowday! Iz snow today but no snow day. This iz not rights. *sniff* I iz going to cry now. I haz a major sad. I will sees you later. Bye byes.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
I iz really tireds today. After four days of sleepingz in....I iz too tired to gets up this earlies....but if I doesn't get up earlies I doesn't get to sees my momma before she goes to schoolz....so I guess it iz a good things...I fhink if I types too much this earlies I will fall asleeps on the keyboard. I will sees you later then. Haz a good day.
Monday, January 21, 2013
I iz watching the Presidential Inauguration. I fhink I am going to be the first frog President. I dunno anyfhing about politicz thoughs...that iz the problems....I fhink I would be a good Frog Presidents though. I hopes I would be anyways. Haz a happy Martin Luther King day by the ways. Haz a good Monday. I will sees you tomorrows.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
All Nighterz
Me and my momma and Betsy pulled an all nighterz last night. I was so tireds I did not haz time to post this morningz. Sorries. I had a lotz of cake yesterdays....and a lots of sugar toos. I slept most of todays...very sorries. I hopes to post earliers tomorrowz. Haz a good rest of the days.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
I iz very full. Me and Betsy eated an entire cakes today. It was very much foods...Sorry I didn't post earliers today. I was too fulls!! I hopes you hads a good day todays.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Today my momma iz off school. We iz gonna make a cake later. Iz gonna be really awesomes. I iz happy that my momma iz off school cause now we gets to hang out! And my momma haz a really long weekends. Iz four days. Even more time for us to snuggles and eat cakes and haz adventures. I iz gonna go make cakes now, haz a good day!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Today iz like a Fridays for me and my mommas. She doesn't haz to go to schools tomorrow. I iz happy! She haz two tests in schoolz today though. :( I wishes my momma good lucks and I hope you all haz a good day.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Good luck for momma Wednesday!
Today my momma has a test she haz to take but doesn't want to so I wants to wishes her good lucks and tells her to haz a good day...and that iz all. I doesn't have too much else to say. Sorries. I will sees you tomorrow. Haz great day!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Yayyyy Tuesdayz!
Today iz Tuesday and my momma iz off school on Fridayz. Only two more dayz! I iz major happies! :D I wonder what adventurez I will take todayz...I hope you haz a good day full of adventurez. I can't type much todays. Byeeee! Sees you tomorrow. Haz great day!
Monday, January 14, 2013
I haz made up a new name for Monday. It iz Moanday. I walks around the house moaning and hazing a sad because my momma iz not home. Then maybees later that day I iz cryingz because my momma is stills not home. It iz very sads. My grandmommie froggie sees my sadness and gives me a ookie to make it better....and a hug toos. Then I takes a nap...and when I wakes up...my momma is back!..that iz the best part of moansday....ofher than that it iz no fun....Haz a good Moanday....tomorrow is Tuesday. Iz nothing wrong wifh that....sees you tomorrows.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Juice! Juice!
I likes juice. It haz a lot of sugar in it. Sugar makez me hyper. Juice can also be goods for me wifh fruitz and vegetablez. (I don't understand why vegetablez is called vegetables. They iz not veggies made into tablez...) But anywayz...I fhink juice iz a very good fhing...my momma doesn't think juice iz good in my handz though....I mighta spilled a lots of grape juices on da carpets....and made myself all stickies and paniced and hopped around and got more juice on da carpets....So now I only can haz juice in individualz container wifh a straws. But that iz otay. Bendy straws is cool....I iz gonna go try and helps my momma cleans up da carpets. Sees you laters. Haz a good day.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Today iz a very boring day. Iz nowhere to go on an adventures. Iz no snow outside to plays wifh. I doesn't haz any idea what to does because there iz nothing to do. I fhink I will sit by da window and watch the cloudz. Yeaps...I will does that....I guess I will sees you later. Try not to haz a boring Saturdayz.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Today iz Friday. Da best day of da week I fhink...and not only iz it Fridays...but I haz waffles and it iz Friday! I doesn't think anyfhing could make todays better! Well...besides da fact that today iz my great grandmommie froggie (She iz actually human thoughz...) anyway...today iz her bifhday! She iz my mommie's grandmomma so...she iz my great gradmomma! :D and becauze I iz a frog that makes her my great grandmommie froggie...yeaps! Happy birfhday to great grandmommie froooogggggggg! Haz a good Friday!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
This link I haz for you bringz sadness and happiness to me at da same time. If you clicks on da link you can see why it makes me sads. Or I will just tells you. Da doggie on dat page was abused and abandoned. :( Luckilies he was rescued and given a second chancez. That iz what makes me happies. Da page was made to help get fundz for Buck to help him wifh recovery and stuffs. In just a couple dayz all the fundz needed was raised! :D Now they iz still being raised to help Buck furtherz and help ofher animalz! I fhought you might likes to look at the link and see Buck's cuteness and wagging tail. :) Haz a good day!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I haz a moufh full of crackurz. They iz really salty...om nom nom nom....I wonder if Yago da burdie would likes a cracker....I will go asks him laters....*hop* I iz in the cracker box now. Iz comfy in here...I will hides and wait for a unsuspecting victimz to hop out at! Iz dat evil?...I gotta goes now...so bye bye.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Iz me! Betsty! Me and John iz going to write dis post today. We would like to wishes you a happy Tuesday and hope you haz a greeeeaaaatttt day! Not just like...a great day....a GREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT day. Yeaps yeaps. Me and John iz going to make pancakez. Bye bye! Sees you laters! Haz a wonderfulz day.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Monday...monday. :(
My momma iz going back to school today and I was going to be lonelies...but wait! I haz Betsy and John to keep me companies! Maybe today won't be so bad after allz. I can't talk much todays....so I will sees you laters. Byeeee.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I haz made a new friend. Founded him on da adventurez we went on yesturday. His name is John and he is really adorables. We founded him lost in da snow. :( Asked around but he does not haz a home. He iz going to lives wifh us now. I would likes to shows you a picture, but I can't uploads one right now...sorries. He iz really adorable and small and red wifh cute wittle eyes....I fhink he will like living wifh me and Betsy!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Me and Betsy iz gonna go on a little adventurez out in da snow. Wish us lucks! I hope it izn't too colds....we iz gonna look for abomidable snow monsterz...Maybe we can be friends wifh dem. I hope they iz friendlies....off we goes! We haz cookies to attract abomidable snow monsterz...wishes us luck!
Friday, January 4, 2013
Orangez iz a fruit...they iz orange. I wonder why they iz orange. Maybe dat is why they is called orangez? I fhink they should be called greenz. Or frogz....dat would be so much betters. Maybe the word oranges was invented cause of da fruit...hmm...I wonder...haz a good day! Sees you tomorrows!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Back to schoolz :(
My momma iz going back to schoolz again. I haz a sad. I hope she learns lots of fhings to makes her more smarticles. I can't wait for da day when she iz SOOOO smarticles that she won't haz to go to school anymores!!! I wait for dat day....I will sit here and wait till thenz....Bye bye haz a good day!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Since there iz snow on da ground, I fhink there should be lots of snowmens. I think I iz too small to make snowmens, which makes me sads....I haz a picture of one thoughz!
Isn't he pretty? I fhink he iz very awesome. I think I will makes a snow man family wifh da help of my momma and Betsy. Maybe they will even haz a snow dog or cat! Oh oh! I will makes a snow FROG! It will be so awesomez. I iz gonna go do dat now! See you later! Haz a good day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Hewwwwoooo and welcomez to 2013! We haz talking frogz in da year 2013. And there iz snows on da ground! As of da 18th of dis month my blog will be a WHOLE YEAR OLDZ. :O It iz very awesomes! I iz excited! Haz a great first day of 2013.
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