Happy almost New Yearz! Me and my familiez iz gonna haz a Star Wars marathon for New Yearz. What iz you going to do to celebrate da new year? I can't wait for da fireworkz. Iz gonna be awesomes. I iz gonna eat a lotz of food to celebrate too. Haz a safe and happy new yearz eve, and a good 2013!
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Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
I iz gonna go to da mall. Betsy iz gonna comes too. She wants to go shoppingz. I hope it iz going to be funz. I wonders if you can buy ponies at da mallz. I hope you can. I wants a BBC pony....off we go, to da mallz. Sees you laters.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Last Saturdayz
Today iz da last Saturdayz of 2012. That makes me kinda sads. I doesn't want to say good byes to 2012. Iz my friend. I will miss it...I fhink I will haz 2013 to make friends wifh though! That will be awesomes. I just wish dat my friend 2012 could stays forevers....Sighz. Bye bye 2012. Hewwo 2013.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Ice Cubez
I founded a ice cubez and popped it in my moufh...It was really coldz and stuck-ed to my tonguez. D: I panicked and accidently swallowed da whole ice cubez. It was really badz. I haz learned my lessonz about ice cubez. I will never puts one in my moufh again.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Today I went sleddingz. It was a lot of fun. I went down da hill in my backyards. It iz a really uber big hill for a froggie. I muchly enjoyed it. Even though there iz no snow, I went sleddingz anyway. I just slid down da hill on my bellies. :D Hopefully there will be more snowz next winterz so I can go real sleddingz.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Ookies...om nom.
Sorry I did notz post earliers today. I had a major tummyachez because I eated waaaaaaayyyyyy too many Christmas ookies. I was also having a sugar rushez...then I had a sugar crashez....it was really badz. I will post earlierz tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Yay yay yay presantz!
I was a really really good froggie dis year! Me and Betsy gotted a TRAMPOLINE for Christmas!!! I iz so excited! We iz gonna jump really really highs now! I gotted some books too and a new blanket and a coloring bookz. I musta been a really uber good froggie dis year. I hope you haz a happy holiday! No matter what you iz celebrating today!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Evez!
Today iz Christmas Evez! I iz excited! I wonder what I gots for Christmas. I fhink I was a very good froggie this year. Even if Santa Claus does not bring me anythings, I will still haz my family to be wifh this holiday. Dat makes me happies. I hope you haz a happy holiday!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
There iz trading cardz....lots of dem. I wonder if there iz frog trading cardz. Maybe I haz my very own frog trading cardz..maybe there iz a frog trading cardz wifh me on it. I fhink that would be very awesomes. Maybe I will makes my own frog trading cards!! I will go does that now. I sees you laters.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
I survived da frogpocalypse! I forgoted to bring a flies pie to shares....I iz happies that Betsy rememberied to bring a extra pies! We froggies partied all nights. It was funz! I iz tiredz now. So I iz going to go to sleepz. Sees you tomorrowz.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Today was da last day of my momma's 2012 school yearz. She doesn't haz to go back to schools till 2013! I iz happies! Maybe it will stays 2012 forever so she will never go back to schoolz! She will stays home wifh me forevers! Iz that a selfish thing to fhink of?...I doesn't think so. Enjoys da secondz to last Fridayz of December!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sorries I did not post earliers today. I was uber busy dis morning. It haz been SNOWING all dayz!!! I iz so happies! Iz amazing! I wuff snows! I iz gonna go outsides and make snow frogz in da lawn. I will sees you later. Haz a good rest of the day.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
I had pancakez for dinnerz last night wifh LOOOOOTTTTTTSSS of syrupz. It was really stickiez. I iz stickies now....I fhink I iz going to get my sticky syrup-ness all over da place. Dat will be fun. :D Or would dat be devious? Maybe iz a bit of both...off I goes to make stuff stickies! Byeeee! Sees you later! Haz a good day.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
My grandmomma said it might snows tomorrow! I luff snow! Iz fun to plays wifh!....actually...I doesn't know if snow iz fun to play wifh. Haz never been outside in da snow. Haz never seen snow. It makez me sads. Iz snow fun to plays wifh? I hope it snows so I can finds out. Iz gonna go sits by da window and waits for snow. I sees you later! Haz a good day!
Monday, December 17, 2012
I haz a box of crayonz. They iz really awesomes. I likes da colors. There iz like....a gazillion different color greenz. I wonder if there iz a color called "frog green" dat would be so awesomes. Frog green would be likes da best colorz ever. I iz gonna go color picturez wifh dese awesome crayonz. I sees you later! Haz a good day!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
I like cloudz. I fhink they iz really pretties. I wish I could hug all da clouds. Da lonely clouds...sitting up in da skies all alone....I wonder what they iz thinking about...
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
I haz found a lost dinosaur. He iz small and purples and likes to nibble on da legs of tables when he iz hungry. I fhink he iz sad and kinda lonelies. Did anybody lose a smallz purple dinosaurs recentlies?....I hope he doesn't get hungries enough to eat me....I guess I will puts up lost dinosaur posterz....I will sees you later. Haz a good Friday.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Christmas Cardz!
Calling all frog bloggerz! Calling all frog bloggerz!! If you sees dis post I needs to ask somefhing from you! I would likes you to read this other blog posts and does what it says! If you haz a little time, and maybeez even extra Christmas cardz send one that wayz! Otays? Thankeez. Haz a great day!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Today iz da frogpocalypze! All da frogz in da worlds iz going to join togetherz and eat fly pies and sit on lilypadz. It iz going to be very much funz. I haz to make a pie for myself. For da frogpocalypze all frogz haz to bring one fly pies to share. We also haz fly cookiez. Iz a big party we haz every once in a while when it iz really colds and we need frog luffs to keep us warms! Oh and we sings frog songz too....I iz going to go and make my fly piez. I will sees you later!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Heeewwwooooo Abbeeeez!
I would just likes to say hewwoz to my mommaz friend Abbe. I posted about her earlier on my blogz. Abbe iz very epic and majorly awesomes. And me and Betsy fhink she iz like da best. She maded cookies once! I had one and they waz veeeerrrryyyyyyyy tasteyz. I fhink Abby haz good qualitiez for friendship-ness. She iz smart and pretties and iz good at making cookiez!! And she haz good hugz too!! Otays, I sees you later! Haz a good day my fwiends!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Reindeerz iz wifh Santa and da sleigh and stuffs....and they iz a very important parts to Christmas..I iz wondering what holiday frogz iz important to....I fhink I should be a reindeers so I can fly. And I can be next to Rudolphs at da front of da sleigh! I fhink dat would be epicness. I iz going to find who iz in charge of frogs becoming reindeerz and talk to dem about it! Haz a good day! I hopes by the times I sees you tomorrow I iz a reindeer er....a frog (a flyingz frog!!) on Santa's sleighz!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Time Travelz
Today iz act like a time travlerz day! I iz going to be like da Doctor. Here iz my advice to being a time travlerz.
-Does not blink.
-Counts da shadows.
-Things iz bigger on da inside.
-Hewwo sweetie.
Dat iz my Doctorly advices. Haz a good day wifh lots of time travelz!
-Does not blink.
-Counts da shadows.
-Things iz bigger on da inside.
-Hewwo sweetie.
Dat iz my Doctorly advices. Haz a good day wifh lots of time travelz!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Up Earliez
I iz up early for a Saturdayz. My grandmommie iz making cookies and I wanted to joins her...Normally I doesn't get up on da weekends till like...tenz. I iz tired now...but iz going to make cookies, so iz worth it. I hopes you haz a good day and didn't get up too early!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Today iz cookie Friday! Iz going to start making cookiez when my momma gets home from schoolz! I iz really excited! I likes Christmas cookiez a lot!! Dey iz da best! I iz gonna go eat some of da cookie ingredientz, I will see you laters.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Baby showerz?
My grandmommie froggie went to a baby showerz yesterdayz. Does it rain at baby showerz? Does it rain babiez at baby showerz? Dat iz not a very good fhing if it rains babiez at a baby shower....dat iz no fun! What iz a baby showerz anyway?....I iz confoozled....April showerz iz in April izn't it? So iz there a frog showerz? Does April showerz mean you only showers in April?....I iz so confoozled!!!!! I iz gonna go try to figures dis out, sees you later.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Christmas Cookiez
I iz going to make Christmas cookies dis Saturday. Chocolate chipz and peanut butterz and snowballs. (I haz never had snowballz before. I hope they iz not cold, so I does not freeze my moufh.) I fhink I might eat all da chocolate chipz before we can put dem in da cookiez....I like chocolate chipz. If da peanut butter cookiez iz sticky like peanut butterz then I will not be able to eats them wifhout my moufh getting stuck....I hope dat doezn't happen. I fhink dat would not be funz....I iz going to find more cookiez to eat! I will sees you later! Haz a good day!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Holidays Shoppingz
I iz trying to figure out somethings to get my belove sweetz lady frog for da holidayz....I can't fhink of anytihng. I bet she already haz everything planned out for what she iz going to get me!! I must fhink of something! Haz any ideas? I iz gonna go look more. Sees you later. Haz a good day.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Da kitchen iz a very hazardous place.......I iz scared.....there iz stuff everywheres. It would be a great place to plays hide and seeks, but iz very scary right now. Cause my grandmommie was painting stuff iz everywhere.....I iz afraided to stay in da kitchen. I fhink da stuff might eats me....I iz going to stay aways from da kitchen now....I seez you later. Haz a good day!!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
I haz sad newz. Next year I will not haz time to post everydayz. I will probably start postingz every ofher day or once a weekz. I iz sorry. I haz been on too many adventurez recently to keep postingz all da time! I hope if I haz longer adventures I can post longer thingz! Off I goes on another adventurez! Bye byes!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
My grandmommie and granddaddy froggies iz painting the kitchenz. They iz going to paints it yellow. I doesn't understand why they doesn't paint it greens! I fhink green iz da best colorz ever....yellow will probably looks nice though. I fhink green iz a nice color because my lilypad iz green.....yeap. Yellow iz good too thoughs. Haz a good day! I iz going to paint a pictures. Bye bye!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Happy Buuuurrrrppphhhdayyyy to yoouuuu!
Happy Burfhday to my momma's step dad! Haaaapppyyy Burphday tooo my momma's steeep ddaaaddddd, (his name iz daddy by da way, dat iz what I will call him.) HAPPPPYYY BIIIIIRRTTHHHDAAAAYYY DAAAADDDYYYYYYYY!!! :D I wuv you. Haz a good day. I wufffff yoouu. So very muchies! Love, love, love! Haz a great day!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Hewwo to a new Friend
I haz a new friend! His name iz Nikolay. I iz very happy to meet him! Iz nice to meet you! Hewwo, I iz Legs...but I bet you knew dat....I haz many questions for youz. I don't know very much abouts little boys who are humans.
-Does human boys eatz fly pies?
-Does human boys eat frogz?? (I heard dat some of dem eat frogz....)
-Does human boyz likes monster trucks? I like monster truckz!!
I fhink this iz all the important questions I haz for now. Haz a great dayz my new friend! To all my ofher friends, you haz a good day too!
-Does human boys eatz fly pies?
-Does human boys eat frogz?? (I heard dat some of dem eat frogz....)
-Does human boyz likes monster trucks? I like monster truckz!!
I fhink this iz all the important questions I haz for now. Haz a great dayz my new friend! To all my ofher friends, you haz a good day too!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Iz Drivingz
Me and Betsy iz going to go drivings! She iz going to work da pedals, and I iz going to steer. And if dat doesn't work, we iz going to switch roles. I iz a bit of a speed demon though.....I fhink it will be better if she steerz....well! Off we goes. I see ya later! Be safes on da roads!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Cheddar Crackerz?
Dere iz cheddar goldfishies...and cheddar whalez...and even cheddar bunnies! Iz dere any cheddar froggie crackerz? I would look very goods on a cheddar cracker. *flex* I would even eat cheddar frogs cause I iz sure they would taste awesomes. I will just haz to settle for cheddar goldfishies...I will nom them and pretend dey iz frogs. Haz a good day filled wifh cheddar-ness! Bye bye!
Monday, November 26, 2012
I haz taken my mommas glassez. Iz hard to see wifh dese.....I doesn't really know what I iz typingz....iz so hard to sees! Glassez iz not for me....dey makes me top heavy too....I doesn't know how my momma deals wifh dese all day! I iz going to go now, glassez iz giving me a headaches. Haz a good day!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I iz eating cookiez...om nom nom. This iz all dat iz left of da food Betsy gotted at da Black Friday shoppingz....I doesn't know when she iz going to get more foods, I hope iz soon...cause I just ate da last cookie...I hope Betsy iz not mad at me...
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Yesturday Betsy wented Black Friday shoppingz for food because I eated it all....and she waz very vicious and hopped her way throughs da whole crowdz of people....I iz glad I did not haz to come because when Betsy iz dat vicious I get scaredz.....I iz glad she did not get hurts though. I iz going to eat all da food she lovingly fought people off fors. Bye bye. Haz a good day.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Black Fridayz
Iz me Betsy agains. Legs ated all da food yesterdayz, so he can't type today....and since he ated all the foods, I haz to go shopping...on da busiest shoppingz day of da year...and I iz just a little frogs, so I fhink I will get trampled or squashed....I hope dat does not happens, dat would be painfuls....wishes me luck....I will not starve todays!!! RAWWWRRRR! BLACK FRIDAYZ HERE I COMEEESSS!!!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Today iz Thanksgivingz. I iz thanksfuls for my momma and my grandmomma and Auntie Ashie and my unclez and Stanleys da bear and Bob da taco-mustachicornz and fly pies and Betsy and stickerz wifh cute animals on dem and foodz and ninjaz (because dey make da world a safer placez) and iz really thanksful for all da peoples who reads my blog. Dat makes me happies. What iz you thanksful for? Haz a happy Thanksgiving!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
What iz a turkeyz? I does not knows....why does we eats turkeyz on Thanksgivingz? I doesn't understands that either. There iz so many things I does not understands! What doez gobble mean? Turkeyz says that doesn't they? What if they iz trying to warn us about somethings? Maybe they iz telling us not to eats them? I think that iz it. I iz going to go save innocents turkeys, sees you later. Haz a good day.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Owwie, last night, I had hots food....and I did not waits for it to coolz....so I burnied my tongues! Iz very painful. I haz a sad now. :( I can't catches flies becuase it hurtz my tongue! I haz a sad. I hopes it feelz better soons. Haz a good day, waits for hot foodz to cool before eatingz it. Sees you laters.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Today iz Monday which iz a Thursday because iz only two days of schoolz for my mommas. Yaaayyysss! She gets to spends more time wifh me! I iz happies! I does not haz too much to says...Tomorrow is Tuesfriday! Yayyyssss! I sees you later! Haz a good day!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Iz me, Betsy. I just wanted to says hewwo. I hopes you iz having a good days today! Iz tons of reasons to smile todays! So smiles on! Haz a great sunshiney dayz!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
I likes fishz. They iz fun to watch swims around. Sometimes they iz pretty colorz too...My Auntie Ashie haz fish. They iz grey and blacks and one iz silvers. One of thems iz a sharks too. He iz really pretties. Sometimez I wish I was a fishz. I could swims around all days and be fishie like...and eats little flakes of foods....I would be a really awesomes fish....I iz going to perfect my swimmingz. I see you laters! Haz a good day!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Best Fhings in Livez!
Here iz a small list of da best fhingz in life! Frogz iz not on dis list, but iz still a good lists. *hugs* Dere iz one of da free fhings for yous, hope it helps you haz a good day. Oh we iz friends! Dat iz another free fhing...and I gets to sleeps all day...and loves all da people dat read dis blog...and hopefullies sometimes I make dem laugh. I gets a lot of those awesomes free fhings, and gives dem aways too! I hopes you haz a good day! Here iz a free smiley. :)
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Fuzzy Sockz
Ashie haz fuzzy sockz to keeps her feets warm. I wish I had a fuzzy sockz to lives in. I would not haz to pay a heating billz! I would be ables to just sits and snuggles up in my fuzzy socks and be very happies. It would be awesomes! I would likes dat very muchies. I would gets a green fuzzy socks and Betsy could haz a pink ones and we could crawls around like wormz. it would be awesomes. I iz going to find a fuzzy socks now, bye byes. Haz a good day.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Today iz National Pickle day! Yay! I haz never had any picklez. Picklez iz green right?....I iz green...too....OH NOES! What if somebodies mistakes me for a picklez and wants to eat me?! I does not wants to be eatens! I iz scared. I will hides all days until tomorrows comes. Pwease does not eats me...I will sees you later. I haz to hides. Haz a good days.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
World Kindness Day
Today iz world kindness dayz. Make sures to be nice to other peoplez. Should be nice to other peoples all da times, but todayz iz just a good reasons to be uber nice! I did not know there waz a special day for kindness, I thoughts we waz supposed to be nices every days! Make sures to be UUUUBBEEERRRR nice todays! Haz a good day!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Service Doggiez
Today there iz a hat day at my momma's school. Iz for Veterans who needz service dogz. Iz going to raise moneyz for dem to haz a service dog. Could there be a service frogz?....I wonders. I fhink dat iz a great ideas. Service frogz would be very loyalz and helpfulz. Yeaps. Dat iz my opinionz....haz a good day!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
I haz a puzzle. It doesn't haz frogz on it, but it haz a lot of piecez....I likes puzzles. They iz fun....I iz not very good at them thoughz....which iz why Auntie Ashie helps me wifh dem. Dat makes me happies. I pick da puzzle piece and she puts it where it goez. I iz going to put more puzzle piecez in da puzzle now. Bye byes. Haz a good days!
Friday, November 9, 2012
I saw a rainbows today. It was really pretties. I hopes it iz a good signs for da weekends and todays. I will sees you laters! Haz a great day! Sorry dis post iz shorts!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
I haz a cold. As in, iz very very very very colds in here. And I iz FREEZING! Does somebodies wants to warm me ups please? I needs a hugz or a bunch of snugglez or something. Pwease! Warmz me wifh loves! I will sits here and waits for warmthz by snuggles or cuddles. *waits*.....Waiting iz boring....*ribbit ribbit* I will just go hug Betsy....if nobody wantz to snuggle me. :( I see you later! Haz a good day!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Today....iz Wednesday. Dat means iz only two more days (after todayz!) till da weekendz. I likes weekendz. Dey iz fun. :D I doesn't haz too much to say, (I iz at a writers block agains.) so I fhink I will just sees you later. Haz a great days! Legs da frog luffs you, people of da interwebs!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Today iz da day thats peoples in da United States of America votes for presidents of da U.S. I iz not old enough to votes (and frogz can't votes anyway...) but I just thoughts I would says...I wonders if frogs could be presidentz. What does you think?....well...maybe nots...I doesn't really understand politicz....so neverminds....haz a good day! Happy votingz!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Redundantz Monday
I iz going to try to haz a "happy Monday" I know dat iz kind of redundants. Mondays iz not happy....I iz going to try and helps other people haz a happy mondays too. You can helps people haz a good Monday (or anydayz for dat matter) if you just spreads a little loves! You could smiles at somebodies if they iz unhappy. Or share hugz or somethings. I haz to go now! Bye bye! Haz a happy Monday!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Happy Birthdayz! :D
I just wanted to says happy birthdayz to my uncle Alecz. He iz like...a gazillion yearz old now...which iz a lot....actually I think iz less than a gazillion...but I doesn't know, because I can't counts dat high...haz a good day uncle Alecz.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Kitty Catz
I wonder what it iz like to be a kitty...I does not know of course, because I iz just a froggie....Kitties haz tons of balance and cute wittle tailz and cute pawz and everythings. I does not haz a tail, I think I wants one...kitties gets to nap wherever they wantz and whenever they wants .(I can do dat too but seems like it would be more fun to be a kitties.) I wonder if kitties can be green...I fhink I would be a green kitty...I iz going to go find a kitty to be friendz wifh. I see ya later, haz a good Saturday.
Friday, November 2, 2012
My mommie's friend Sammy had to haz a couples of her teefh taken out. :( I iz sad becauze Sammy iz in pain. I wish I could hugs it better but she iz too far away for me to hop to sees her. :( I just wanted to says, Sammy, I, King Legs Da Frog, wuff you and hopes you feel betters. Haz a good Friday everybodies. I hope I gets to see you on Monday Sammy! Feel better soons!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Why iz it dat only birdz can flys? Why can't froggies fly? Why doesn't I haz wings? I would very muchlie like to haz wings. Dat would make me very happies. I could fly all around if I wanted toos! I wonder why I does not haz wings....tis a very good question. I would haz cute little green wingz. Dey would be awesome.....off I go...to finds a way to get wingz....I sees you later. Haz a good day.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloweens!
Today iz Halloweens. Tis Betsy's first Halloweens. We iz going to go trick or treating. :) Me and Betsy iz going to dress up as the Doctor and River Song! Iz going to be epic! I will use my sonic screwdriver to impress peoplez. And my fancy accentz....but best of all! My awesomest companion ever. River Song! Yaaaayyyy. I iz gonna go now, bye bye.
P.S. If you iz on da East Coast, stay safes!
P.S. If you iz on da East Coast, stay safes!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
If you lives on da East Coastz, try to stay safes from da hurricanes! Hurricane iz really scary. I hopes you stays safe if you lives on da East Coast. Be carefuls! I doesn't haz much else to say. Haz a good day, stay safes!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Hurricane iz heading for da East Coast! If you lives on da East Coast be carefuls! Legs hopes you stay safes! Be really carefulls! I does not haz much to post today just be uber carefulls if you live on da East Coast and haz a good day. Iz just Monday, iz not scary. I fhink Hurricanez iz scary. Which iz why I says again! Stays safe pwease!!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
I iz going to learn how to dance! Iz going to be a very good dancer. Except I haz webbed froggie feet which could makes dancing hards...Betsy will teaches me. She won't minds if I accidentlies steps on her feets...I will be a uber great froggie dancer and will make it to da Olympics for dancingz...even if there iz no Olympic sport for dancings...I will invents one! Yeah! Dat would be awesomes. I iz gonna go learn to dance now I sees you later.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
I haz a tank. It iz green. It explodes stuffs. Boom! Boom! Pew pew! Pew pew pewz! My tank iz very awesomes. I likes it very muches. When I gets bored I can drives around in my tank. Betsy likez my tanks. Iz really awesome a tank-like....My momma's friend haz a tank....his tank haz bigger explosives than mine does....my tank iz peaceful!...ish! Well I iz gonna go play tanks, sees you later. Haz a good day.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Halloweenz Costumez
Whats should me and Betsies be for Halloweens? I does not know....I could be a firemanz, or astronaughts, or a pirates....or a cute wittle hungry green monster.....or I could be a skeleton...or a frog....Wait! I already iz a frog. :O I should be....I shooulllddd beee....hmm....maybe I will be da Doctor for Halloweenz! Yeah yeah! I will do dat! I will haz to find a way to make dat costume....Haz a good Friday! Seez you later!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Kitchen Iz Haunted!
There iz ghosts in da kitchen! Dey iz chocolate cakez and icingz and chocolate chipz....ghosts!! I hopes they iz friendly....I iz scared! I snucks up on one of these unsuspectingz ghosts and I licked him and he tastied like icingz! I hid aftur that cause there iz nothing worse than a ghosts dat iz chasingz after you!....I hope they izn't mads at me.....I iz goings to hide from ghosts now. I seez you later...doesn't tell them where I iz! Haz a good day!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Friendz in fars away Placez!
My momma haz friendz in fars fars away places....and by dat I mean Illinois. (dat iz da state I cames from if you rememburz!) Actually iz not friend in far away place iz relativez! Because relativez lives so fars away we does not get to see her much. :( Dat makes Legs a sad froggie. I wish I could sees my relativez more oftens....most of my relativez lives in pondz.....ponds in Illinois dat iz too far for me to visits. Dat makes me sads. :( My momma haz a friend who lives in da same state as her but iz still too far to sees him...not very oftens anyways....basically...my momma haz lots of friendz/relatives in far away placez....I iz happy I does not lives far aways! I would miss my momma! Haz a good day! Weekend iz almost here!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Good Luckz
Da Cardinalz did not gets into da world seriez. Da Giantz did. Althoughz mosts of da peoples in my town iz sad about da Cardinalz (I iz sad about them toos) I iz going to be a good sportz and wishes da Giantz good luck. Haz fun playingz da game Giantz, good luckz.
Monday, October 22, 2012
I haz decided I am goings to paint myselfs wifh black paints and becomez a panthur. I wouldz be a very very cutes panthers you know...I even haz my rawr mastured. Mew? Isn't dat da best rawrz ever? I wills be a very goods baby pantherz. I chewz on boots and snugglez peoples and everythingz dat panthurz do! Meoooowwwwzzz. Puuurrrr. I iz a good panthur. I iz gonna go be a good panthurz somewhere elses. I sees you later. Haz a good day.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
My momma iz going to do histories homeworks. I wonders if I will end up in history bookz...I can be George Frogingtonz, da first presidents of da United Frog Statez. Or I could be a painters! Likes da Vinci. I could be Legnardo da Vinciz. Or maybe...I will be famous for exploringz da worlds. Christopherz Froglumbus! I did not spells dat rights I knowz....maybe I will be famous forz da first frogs on da moon....I guess I can'ts be famouses just for being cutes? Well I dunnos....hmm....I will fhink abuot dat. I seez you later, haz a good day.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Meetingz New Peoples
Hewwo. I could not posts earliers because my mommas was off meetings new peoples and I needs her helps to write postz....so I hads to wait tills now. She was gonez all days. I missied hers a ton...I iz happies she iz home now!! So shes can helps me write dis blog posts....she tellz me she had a funs day meetings new people. I does not meets new peoplez though, normallies I just meets other frogz. Hum de dum....I does not haz much to say. I waz lonely today but I iz glad my momma hads fun meetings new peoples...I sees you later, haz a good rest of da day.
Friday, October 19, 2012
If da Cardinalz wins one more games dey goes to da World Seriez. What does you fhink of 12 in 12? I dunno how birdies plays baseball, but they iz good. I likes dem. I wonder why there izn't a frogz team. Dat would be too awesomes. Frogz iz epics.....I iz proud of da Cardinalz! I doesn't know much about baseballs or anythings but I iz happy. Da peoples in my townz iz proud of da Cardinalz. Althoughz winning baseballz games iz nice, iz always betters to be a good sports and plays fair! Making friendz iz goods too! Well I iz going to looks for a frogz baseball teamz, I sees you later. Haz a good day!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
I iz going to becomes a baker. I iz going to make cookies and cakes and pies and cheesecakes and brownies and cupcakes and more cookies and cakez.....I fhink I will be a good bakers! I will be....hmm....Legs da Baker Frog! It will be awesomes. I can add bakerz to my list of many identities.....I haz a lot of free timez to haz many identities cauze my momma doesn't lets me goes to school....anywayz! I iz going to makes a tonz of foods and gives it to kidz so dey can be happies. :) Well off I goes to learns how to bake. Bye byes!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Dere iz a songz stuck in my heads. Dis haz not happened befores! Whats does I do?? It does not wants to gets out of my heads! Fra la la la la laaaaaaaa.....songs, gets out of my heads! I needs to think froggie thoughtz. Gets outta me heads! Sonnnnggggzzz! I does not likes it when you iz in my heads! I must fhink....froggie thoughtz!.....but da song iz drowning outs all of my thoughtz!....I will just sings da song and makes it gets out of my headz. FRA LA LA LAAAAAAAAAA LA LA LA LLLAAAAAAAAA LA LALALALA LLLLLLAAAA! Haaavvveeee a goooodd dayyyyyyy, iz almost da weeekeeeennndddzzzzz!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Iz Tuesday....and I iz tired.....iz a hard lifes being a frogz....I kidding. Iz fun to be a froggie. But anyway, iz Tuesday....and dat meanz one....two....fhree....four more dayz till da weekends and dat iz not counting todayz. My momma iz excited about da weekend for some reazons she will not tells me....I bet she will be leavingz me for da weekend....I doesn't want dat, I doesn't like dat.....well...I haz gotten off topic of da Tuesdayz....da weekend iz right around da corner, but it iz Tuesday now....so we just haz to do da best wifh what we haz. Tuedayz....haz a good one.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Break Iz Overz...
Break iz overz. D: Dat iz sads. My momma haz to go back to schools todays....which meanz she haz to wakes me up earlies....and I doesn't get to sees her all dayz! Dis iz rather sad. I don't want my momma to go back to schoolz! I fhink she iz smarts enoughs! I wants to go to schoolz though. She won'ts let me.....she sayz school iz not for froggies....I wants to go to schoolz though! Maybe there iz frog schoolz? I fhink dat would be awesomes. Well....I haz to go now. I seez you later. Haz a good day.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Iz Sunday!
Today iz Sunday. But iz not very sunnies outsides at all...iz rainys. I fhink da sky haz a sad. Does not cry sky! I will makes it better! *huuuuuggg!* I gave da sky a hug! Dat should makes it happies, right? Sky, why iz you sad? :( Now I iz sad because da sky iz sad. Today iz a sads day. I fhink I will goes outsides and sits in da rainz. Da sky will be cryingz on me. I will be da shoulder for da sky to cries on and makes it a happy skyz so da sun will shines tomorrowz! Haz a good Sundayz!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Yesturday my momma and her grandmommies and auntie Ashie wentied shopping. They gotted some puzzles and shoez and stuffs....my momma gotted a puzzle wifh lots of candy wrapperz on it....but not ones wifh frogz on it! I does not understands why she would gets a puzzle wifhout frogz on it! Dere was one therez too! She musta not likied da frogz very muches....Ashie gotted a new pair of bootz and dey iz soft...I wanna use dem az a boat but she won't lets me! I guess I will just puts dis puzzle together and thinks about boatz...
Friday, October 12, 2012
Fridayz Fridayz!
Iz Friday again! Yaayyyyyzzz Friday! Weekend iz almost here! Just one more days! Weekend weekend weeekkkeeennndddd!!! I iz gonna like sleep in uberz late tomorrowz and iz gonna eat lots of candies and caffienez and all kindz of stuffs. Iz gonna be funs. I hopes you haz a good day and a really awesomes weekend! Seez you laters!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
I haz learned today that whalez is really really cutez. Like they iz so uberly adorables. And they swims and plays in da waters and iz a lot like dolphinz but iz WAAAYYYYY bigger! I like whalez! I fhink momma should takez me and Betsy someplacez to see da whalez. Dat would be awesomez. To provez my point dat whalez is UBER adorablez, here iz a pictures of one! HE IZ A GIANT WHAALEEEE! Izn't he adorable?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I finished a really awesomes book today....iz was about dragonz and magics and I fhink it had a pony in it but I does not remembers....it waz so uberly awesomes. Books makes me smarticles! I likes being smarticles. Bookz can also takes you on adventurez to other places dat iz far, far away! Gasp! My blogz iz kinda likes a book! But it does not ends! I iz gonna go find a book abouts a frog, so I can reads it! Haz a good day and readz lots of stuffs!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
I haz candies! Om nom nom nom om om nom! I iz so happies! I iz gonna haz a sugar ruusssshhhh!! Yaaayyyy!!! Om nom nom om om nom! Iz gonna be so hyperrrssss!!!! Yaayyyyyyyyyy!!!! Haz a goooddd daaaayyy!!! Iz Tuesday, Friday iz right around the corners!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Rawr! I iz a dragon! I can flyyyyyyyz! Wells.....maybe I can't fly....but I iz still a dragon! I haz wings, but they iz hidden. I doesn't breathe fires, but that does not mean I iz not a dragonz! Raaaaawwwwwrrrrrrrrr iz a draagggggoonnnnn!! Otays, I iz gonna go like...protect da innocent peoples and stuffs wifh my dragon-ness. Haz a good day!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
My momma's cousin cames over yesturday. He was herez like all days. :D I likes him, he iz fun to be wifh. We watched Avengerz and ated chips and dips and we played video gamez. It was lots and lots and lots of funz. I wish I had cousinz. I does not though...I doesn't haz any brofhers or sisturs eifher. I wish I had those toos! I wish I had uber big familiez wifh lots and lots of memburs! Well....maybe not too manyz. Offs I go! Seez ya later! Haz a good day!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
My momma iz making somefhink....hmm....I wonders what it iz....I doesn't know. She won't tells me! Even though iz not for me she still won'ts tells! She says she iz making somefhinks for somebodies who readz my blogz and dat if she tolds me I would posts about it den dat person woulds finds out! So I doesn't know....*sadness* She says she will lets me know when she finishez it though!
Friday, October 5, 2012
I wuz flyingz my hot air balloons all day todayz. It was funs. I did not haz time to posts earlier, I sorries about thatz. I wents all da ways to France in my hot air balloonz.....den I cames back home. Wuz a fun trips. I hopes you had a good day! Iz Friday! Whoos!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Hot Air Balloonz
I iz going to learn to flys a hot air balloon! My momma iz gonna find me a balloonz and attatches stringz to it and some sorts of container, den I iz going to flyz! I will manages it....It wont's exactaly bes a hot air balloons cause it won'ts be hot air but will still bees a balloons! Off I goes to learns to flys it, bye beys! Haz a good days!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Fall Breakz!
After todays my momma iz gonna be on fall breaks. She iz gonna be here likes....for da next eights dayz. I iz happies. I wants to see my momma everydays! It will makes me happies! She sayz she does not haz any plans for all of da fall breaks. I fhink dat means she will stays home wifh me everydays!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Hewwo again! Iz me Betsy! I iz looking at da treez and all da lweavez iz falling offs da trees. They iz so purties. I wish I could climbz da trees and be wifh da lweavez. They iz all happy and togethers....I wants to be happy wifh da lweaves. They iz gonna fall to da grounds soon. Then I can play wifh them and hops up and downs in them! I loves da lweaves. Haz a good day!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Why does lunch gets a box? I wants a box....I could travels around in it likez a TARDIS. I wants a softs box dat iz lunch box size so I can travels around! Iz hard to find a greenz lunch boxes though. Even if I really wants one....I would gets to go all overs kindas like dogs haz kennels and I could travels places! Dat would be awesomes....I will finds a lunches box so I can travels! Haz a good day!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
My momma iz coloring today! She haz a map and some sort of cellz of some sort that she iz coloring iz school work....I doesn't understand why teacher assigns work on weekendz but I does like to colors, dat iz fun. If I wuz coloring it I would makes it all greenz....I iz off to colors more! Seez you later! Haz a good day!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Lazy Day!
Today iz Saturday, iz my lazy dayz. I hope you iz having a good day and stuffs. I iz, iz great. I haz been sitting arounds and doing nothings all day, cause I iz lazy. Well....haz a good day!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Here iz a super cute videoz of a kitty to makes your day happies! Haz a good Friday, and enjoys da video! Kittiez video! Haz a suuuuppperr awesome days!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
I seez pumpkins....I dunno why they iz out...but I seez them. They iz all over! Why iz pumpkins out and all arounds? I iz confoozled. What iz pumpkins anywayz? I know they iz orange...they iz...hardish...sometimes peoples carves faces into dem....but what iz dey?....hmm. I iz going to become Detectivez Legs and investigatez! Haz a good day I sees you later!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Iz Boring
Today wuz so super boring I did not haz anything interesting to posts this morning and I still does not haz anything interesting to posts so I will just posts about how boring today wuz. It was not any funs either. I did not likes today at alls.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
I fhink I must be part penguin! I can slide around on my belly. Wheeeeeee!! I was on a slide and I was scarded and my momma was like "You can do it Legs!" and I was gonna tells her I would do it for a piez but Betsy accidently pushied me and I went down da slide on my belly. It was scary....I landed in a grasses and had a super awesome disguise for a minute. It was awesomes....then I hopped back up da steps to da slide and back down many timez. Slides is fun! There iz my mini adventures for you to read, I hope you liked it. Haza good day! Iz Tuesday! Weekend iz coming!
Monday, September 24, 2012
My grandmommie haz bluberries.....Hmm....Why iz they called blue if dey iz green on da inside? Some iz not even very blue at alls. They could be likes blue-green berriez....Hmm...here iz something else I does not understand! Strawberriez....they iz not straw. Why iz they called straw-berries? I iz all confoozled! Hmm....I doesn't understands this either!! I haz a friend and his name iz Razberry. He is a bear even a berries! I iz so confoozled! I iz sorry if I confoozled you. Haz a great day, I seez you later.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Today Sunday iz living up to itz name! Iz very sun-shiney outsides! I likes it! There izn't many clouds eithurs, Mr. Sun can look right down at me! Hi Mr. Sun! Ow....does not look at Mr. Sun, that hurts....If there iz no clouds in da sky does Mr. Sun get lonelies? I wonders....hmm....If I could fly I would give Mr. Sun a big giant hugz. Dat would make him happy! But I fhink I would get burnied to a crips.....I doesn't want that to happens...Hmm....well, haz a super awesome Sundayz!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Today iz a very super awesome amazing day. I iz not just saying that cause it iz Saturday, but becauses it is actuallies really pretty outsides and amazing and stuffs. See my grandmommie madied muffins and I iz noming on those and da sun is shining and iz all warm.....iz really nice prettyful day! Iz a great days! I iz happies. Haz a great Saturdays, I hopes you haz good weather likes I does!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Today iz a Friday-Saturday. My momma iz off school, iz Friday...but it feels like a Saturdays cause she iz not in school....makes sense? I wonders what we iz gonna do today....I fhink we will haz a great adventures! Haz a good Friday, weekend iz just around the corner!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
My grandmommie froggie says it iz "apple-picking time". What iz apples? Hmm....I knows they come in da color green and redz but I does not know what they iz! I askied my grandmommie froggie what does a froggie do wifh applez and she said "cuts them, mashes them, puts them in pies." Not any types of pie I wants to eat though...I only eats fly pies!....I fhink I iz too big to pick applez anyways...I iz just a small froggie after allz. Sadness....I will stick to being cutes and stuffs....I seez you later! Haz a good day!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Writerz Block
I haz writer's block todayz. I can'ts figure out anytihngs to write about...hmm....what iz writer's block? Iz it a block of writers? Iz it a writer in da shape of a block? Hmm....I dunno what it iz but I haz it! I does not wants it! Iz my creative-frogginess blocked? Oh noes! I does not wants that!! I wants to be creatives! Here iz something creative! Flying sheeps wifh lazer eyez dat like pancakes! My creativeness iz not lost...phew! Well den what iz writers block? I iz all confoozled....Does anybodies know what writers block iz?
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Panda!! Panda!!
There waz a new panda borned at the National Zoo in Washington D.C.! He iz reaaaallllyyyyy really small. Like...da size of a stick of butterz!!! I iz even bigger than he iz!! I wansta see da panda bear. I fhink we could be friends. Pandas iz adorable, and I iz adorable, so we can overloadz everybodies cuteness meterz by being adorables togethurz. Herez ya go! You can reads the storyz for yoursel. Here iz da panda story. Haza good day! Fill dat good day wifh lots of adorable thingz you loves!!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Iz Monday...school today or works or whatevers.....I does not haz much to post about....My momma wokied me up so early I can still hears da crickets outsides....Well, haza good day. Iz only Monday. You can do dis! Iz not stronger than you iz!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
*Om nom nom nom* I haz cheez-its. *om nom* My momma wanted to put them in her locker for snackz at school....*om nom nom om* But I wanted to eat them....*om* So I dids. *om nom nom om om nom* They waz in a box too....so now *nom* I iz sitting in the box and eating all da cheez-its. *Om nom nom* Does you thinks if I keeps eating *om nom nom om* These I will turns oranges? *om nom nom* I wannsta be a green froggie, *om nom* But I likes to eats cheez-its....*om nom om nom nom* I fhink if I turns oranges it'll be worths it...*om nom om nom nnoooommmmm* Wants some cheez-its? *om nom*
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Todaty iz my momma's homecoming. She iz gonna dress all fancies likes and stuffs. I wants a homecomings so I can wears a cute wittle suit and stuffs. And I can show da world my epic dance movez. My momma sayz her homecoming iz earlies....Last years there waz tacos and cookies and foods and I bets it was funs....by da way, I haz had lots and lots of caffienez so I iz really hypers.....I iz gonna help my momma wifh her hair. Bye bye.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Iz Friday, Fridaaayyyy. My momma haz a spirit day today and all da Sophomorez iz gonna dress in greeeeennn. They iz worshiping my awesomeness wifh da green! Yayz! Actualliez they iz just dressing up for da spirit stuffs. Doesn't haz nothing to do wifh me....but iz awesome anyways....Green green green! Happy Fridayz by da way. Haza goooooooooood day! Wears lots of greenz today!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
I wants to drives a car. It iz not fair that frogs can't drive. I wants to drives....I can be likes VROOOOOOMMMM and races da car all arounds....and Betsy can justs sits on da gas pedal and I can use da steeringz wheel....and we shall just keep going fastur and fastur cause I won'ts tell Betsy to gets offa da gas pedal.....it will be awesomes. I can pictures myself drivings right now! Otay....well I iz gonna go now....doesn't tell nobodys, but I iz gonna go drive! Ha! Haza good day, stays offa da roads if you lives near me....
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Paper Day!
Today iz paper day! Dat iz what da journalism team at my mommies school makez. My auntie Ashie is on da paper staffs. Nooo they iz not a bunch of staffs that write stories and stuffs....they is still peoples. I hads to clears dat ups....I thought they was all walking talking staffz.....anyways, da papers they works on is awesomes....I likes to read da papers....actuallys I can't really reads much of all those big wordz....well I iz off! Haza good Wednesday and stuffs.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Iz getting colder! I iz gonna have to start bundling up when I goes outsides so I doesn't freeze to death! Freezing to death iz not a good idea to me! I had to worries about burning into a cripsz in summers and now I haz to worry about becoming a frogsicle! I think frog popsicles wouldz be cute but not me as a popsicles! I likes popsicles....da green ones....anyways! I does not want to freeze! Oh! I haza idea! What ifs my momma putted me in her jacket pocketz and carried me around and I would be warms and she could puts her hands in da pockets to says hi to me and stuffs! Thats would be awesomes!....I haz found solution to being colds, yay! Haza good Tuesday, does not turn into humansicles! Dat would not be funs!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Super fasts!
I does not haz time to pots this morning! I iz sorries! I haz to post really really really fast! Haza good monday! You can survives it!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Video Games!
Me and Besty is playing video games today! We iz racing kartz and playing wifh dinosaurs and puppies and horses and triforces and all kinds of fun stuffs. I iz excited, but there iz not any froggie games....dat makes me sad! Ashie playz video games wifh frogs in them sometimes....and she always sayz, "They iz bad froggies, Legs. I haz to kills them....." But....there iz no such thing az a bad frog, iz only bad humanz!....I thinks there shoulds be a froggie video games for me to play. Dat would make me happies. Oh oh! And a greens video game consoles too....yeahs! I iz going back to video gamez now, I seez you laters!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
New friend!
We haza new friend! He iz soft and white and cute and smiley and adorables and very awesomes! Hiz name is Stanley and he likes snuggles and pie and hide and seeks and stuffs......Betsy likes him toos cause when momma izn't home we can sits wifh him and he will tells us stories and gives us hugz when we haz sads. My grandmommie likes him too cause she thinks he is uberly soft and snugglie. Auntie Ashie likes him too, I fhink everybody likes Stanley. Iz hard not too, he iz so awesome! I fhink my momma likes Stanley best thoughs. I hopes she doesnt' replaces me! Here iza picture of me and Betsy and Stanley. He iza really awesome bear! Iz really friendlies!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Testz iz dumb. I iz a smart smart froggie but I does not like taking tests....Likes math or english testz they iz not any funs! I would rather color pictures or watch a movie....The only tests I likez iz tests about cute froggies or hopping around or somefhink like dat. Does iz fun tests! Only one more day till da weekends, you can survive Friday! Haza good weekend and happies Friday. Good lucks wifh tests if you iz taking any today in da schoolz.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Great Grandmommie Froggie
My great grandmommie froggie iz sick. She iz in da hopsitalz. Hospitalz iz a scary places for a froggie. Iza really big place wifh peoples walkings all around all da times and I fhink they might steps on me....Hospitalz does haz elevators though....even if they izn't much fun. I think a hopsvital would be more funs. Hops around everywheres like froggies.....well...I doesn't haz much else to says. I hopes my great grandmommie froggie iz better and that ofher peoples in hospitals is otay too. Haza good day.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Today, I iz gonna write some poetries.
I like flies.
I put flies in pies.
The sky iza purdy blue,
you iz purdy too.
Cows are cute,
they say mooo.
I just wanted you to knows,
I'm not very good wifh poems.
I iz try my best to finish da rest,
but I know dat it's best...
If I says this insteads.
Haza good day,
iz what I always says.
So I will say, haza good Wednesday instead.
I izn't da best wifh poetry, but I tried! Does you likes it? Here iza nother one, iz about Betsy.
Y......I couldn't finish dis one cause Betsy is da bestest ever froggie on da faces of da Earfh. She iz my sweet ladys frog and I wuvs her vety muches.....I iz done wifh poetry, I iz just a frog, iz not a poet!
Y......I couldn't finish dis one cause Betsy is da bestest ever froggie on da faces of da Earfh. She iz my sweet ladys frog and I wuvs her vety muches.....I iz done wifh poetry, I iz just a frog, iz not a poet!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Blog Running
Running a blog iz hard, hard, hard! I haz to comes up wifh stuff to talks about, then I haz to makes a post abouts it....I haz to reach all da keys and type all da words and if I messes up I haz to fwr eod pg mi......and if I messes up I haz to get rids of it....or scratches it out.....I can't reach all da keys on da keyboard....sometimes da mouse hatez me and it doesn't wanna moves....otay...here'z what I doesn't understand. Running a blog....what does "running a blog" means? Da blog iz not running! Waits...maybe it IZ running and I haz to catch it! I iz coming blog! I iz coming!!....
Otay....I checked....da blog iz not running....anyways....even if running a blog iz hard sometimes I runs it anyways for you to reads, and becauze it makes me happys. By da way! If you ever haz any ideas for some sots of adventures to go on or somefhink to post on da blog dat iz not running away, you can always sends ideas to legsdafrog@gmail.com see, I haz my own email! All this typing and blog-chasing-after (even if it wasn't running away at alls....) iz hard works! I iz going back to bed! Haza good Tuesday!
Otay....I checked....da blog iz not running....anyways....even if running a blog iz hard sometimes I runs it anyways for you to reads, and becauze it makes me happys. By da way! If you ever haz any ideas for some sots of adventures to go on or somefhink to post on da blog dat iz not running away, you can always sends ideas to legsdafrog@gmail.com see, I haz my own email! All this typing and blog-chasing-after (even if it wasn't running away at alls....) iz hard works! I iz going back to bed! Haza good Tuesday!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Iz Monday again....but today iz not a "ugh iz Monday..." iza yay iz Monday cause my momma iz off schools today. I iz wondering how to top off this awesome weekend of awesomeness....hmm....*think think* I waz thinking me and my momma was gonna have a super awesome adventures today....Or me and Betsy was gonna go to a pond or something....Hmm....or maybees we will just sits outside all day and watch da clouds....maybees we will makes new friends, or colors pictures! I does likes to colors......Haza good monday everybodies!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Rain rain.....
I just noticed that peoples complains about da weathurz a lot. I izn't fonds of too much rains cause all da flowers drowns! But...earliers I wuz complaining cause it wuz too hot.....then I wuz complaining cause it wuz too cold! I likes fall cause it iz in da middle but I fhink I will ends up complaining about da weather then tooz.....like now....iz rainy, da flowers wuz begging for waturz earlier and now they iz asking for it to stops.....I fhink we only likes da weather when it iz not da weather we haz....we should just apprecimerate da weather we haz when we haz it.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Doctor Whoz
Doctor Who iz coming back for a new seasons todays! I iz rather excited! I loves da Tardis and da Doctor and he iz so aweesssommeee. I iz gonna become a time lord froggie and haz a lilypad Tardis. It's gonna be epics, and Betsy iz gonna be my companion. Iz gonna be majorly awesomes. We iz gonna go back in time and play wifh baby dinosaurs and sail pirate ships and all kinds of stuffs. I iz gonna walk around wearing a bow tie, cause bow ties are cool. Hmm......I fhink we will go back in times and see famous frogz of history toos. Dat iz what I iz gonna do today, I iz gonna get back in times to see da new season of Doctor Who tooz. Haza good day! Don't blinkz!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Bye bye August!
Tomorrow starts Septembur! I iz excited! I does not want August to goes away, but Septembur iz a cool month too! I knows all my months....Januaries, Febuaries, Marches, Aprilz, Mays, Junes, Julies, Augustz, Septemburz, Octoburz, Novemburz, Decemburz. My blog haz been on internets for...one...two....eights months! I iz happy that months come backs every year, iz like seeing a old friend. Bye bye Augusts! Till next year! Hewwo Septemburz, iz nice to sees you agains.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Iz Thursday-Friday, Thursday-Friiiidayyy. By dat I means, my momma iz staying homes tomorrow. She iz off school. Iza four day weekendz. I likes da idea of dat very muchs. I fhink we iz gonna do lots of fun thingz dis weekend. Hmm.....I dunno what we iz gonna do, but we iz gonna have lots and lots of funs. I fhink tomorrow we iz gonna go back in times.....in a police box! We iz gonna.....hmm......we iz gonna.....be pirates and sails across da seven ceez! I then since we haz done so much adventuring on Friday and Saturday we iz gonna sleep all day on Sundays.....*yawwwn* I iz tired now. Haza good day!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Rememburz when I wentied to da post office and almost got sented away in da mails? Da one dat iz supposed to get to da Spartan iz surposed to get there todayz.....Iz fun to get stuffs in da mail. I never gets any mailz.....Oh oh! My grandmommie just toldied me a great ideas! Otay! Here iz da steps!
1. Get dis picture of me rights here.
2. Right clicks on da picture.
3. Then left clicks on it and goes to "print picture".*
4. Gets me off da printer!!
5. Cuts me out of dis picture.
6. Takes a picture of me someplace fun, likes maybe a special spot where you lives by. Like da Gateway Arch. Or find a pictures online of someplace famous you likes, then hold the picture of me up to da picture of da online place, and take a picture of dat. Iz dat confoozling? I iz trying to explain da best I can.
7. Email da picture to legsdafrog@gmail.com.
8. Leave a caption in da email of where I am traveling in da picture!
If you emails me da picture, in a couple weekz I iz gonna make a special post wifh all da places I was sent off to. Thankees for reading! Haza good day!
*You needs a printer for step number three! When you prints dis da picture might be kinda small!
1. Get dis picture of me rights here.
2. Right clicks on da picture.
3. Then left clicks on it and goes to "print picture".*
4. Gets me off da printer!!
5. Cuts me out of dis picture.
6. Takes a picture of me someplace fun, likes maybe a special spot where you lives by. Like da Gateway Arch. Or find a pictures online of someplace famous you likes, then hold the picture of me up to da picture of da online place, and take a picture of dat. Iz dat confoozling? I iz trying to explain da best I can.
7. Email da picture to legsdafrog@gmail.com.
8. Leave a caption in da email of where I am traveling in da picture!
If you emails me da picture, in a couple weekz I iz gonna make a special post wifh all da places I was sent off to. Thankees for reading! Haza good day!
*You needs a printer for step number three! When you prints dis da picture might be kinda small!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Post Officez
I went to da post office wifh my grandmommie and Betsy yesturday. We sented a package to Texas, iz gonna get there late....and a package to a Spartan, iz gonna get there earlyz. I doesn't understands why momma sendin away packagez.....she never sendz me packagez.....I haza sad....I wuz at the post office yesturday and I wanted to see where da boxes went so I wuz sitting on one of da boxes and I was gonna see where it went.....but my grandmomma scooped me up and tooked me off the of da box....I wonder where I woulda ended up....it woulda been a fun adventure.....Now da box haz to travel alones....I sorry box....I hazta go now and plots a way to get go on a really awesomez adventure wifh a box! To see where it endz up.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Tropical Stormz
There iza tropical storm comink to da Gulf Coast. I iz concerned! It could turns into a hurricanez, I does not wants dat. I iz glad I lives in da middle of da countries, so I doesn't haz to worries about dat....But I iz worrying abouts it anywayz! I wants da peoples who lives by the Gulf to stays safes! I hopes everybody iz otay! I wonders why there iz no Hurricane Legs, I guess I iz too awesome for dat....maybe Hurrican Legs would wanta meet real Legs and I would not want dat, hurricanez iz scary.....Nevermind I does not want a Hurricane Legs anymores! Haza good Monday and stays safes!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Iz cloudy today....a cloudy Sundayz. Sundayz iz for sun....hmm.....there iz no cloud day thoughz...I guess today can be a clouds day. Anywayz, iz a cloudy day....I fhink it might rains laturz. My momma iz making cookies todays. I iz gonna helps her make cookiez. Maybe we will watch movies todayz, or Heroes or somefhink. I think today iz gonna be a good days, even if my momma iz leaving me tomorrows wifh schoolz.....Todayz is gonna be a sits around and do nofhink dayz. Iz gonna be nices.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Last night my momma and her neighbor and sistur and couzin wents to da footballz game at her schoolz. She had oodles of funz....there wuz popcorns there tooz. I wants popcorns! Momma didn't bring any popcorns to shares wifh me.....anywayz....my momma had fun at the game. I haz decided I iz gonna play football. I will be so cutes, I should be safes from tacklez....I would be a good footballz player. I blends in wifh da grass and I can hops really fasts! Here iza picture of me in my new football gears. My momma drew it for me on da laptops. I iz gonna go train for footballz! Bye nows!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Da sunrize this morning iz really purdy. Iz pink and blue and yellowz and orangez...I can sees all da sunrizeness throughs da leaves of da treez. Iz Fridays too. Iz gonna be a great day! I can tellz! Da sun iz shining and da sky iz bluuuue and da clouds is purdy and iz Friday. Sounds likes a good days to me. Haza really really really really really really really really awesomez day! I seez you tomorrows!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Legs gottied me something! Iz very awesomez! I iz so exciteds. It wuz wrapped in pretty pink papurz and ina giiiaaannnttt box! I openenied da box. Legs helpied me insides it....it haz the greatestz stuffs ever in its. Fly piez, more fly piez, and me and Legz. Iz a new hide outs for me and Legs! He says we iz gonna get more stuffs to put in da box and iz gonna be epic hideout. We iz gonna sit in theres and eats fly piez and color picturez and all kinds of stuffz. Iz gonna be greats. I iz going back to hideout now. I seez you laturs.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Sick. :(
Somebody in one of my momma's classes madied her sick. Den she madied me sick....It iz terribullz! *cough cough* But luckies me I can just stays homes all day and doesn't haz to go anywhere or do nofhink.....I can just sleepz all days and stuffs *sniff*....dat iz good....and when my momma comez home from schoolz she makes me fly piez and gives me hugz....*cough cough, sniff* I iz gonna go now. Haza good, good, day, fullz of fly piez and cookies and *cough* bye bye nowz. Haza great day filled wifh dinosaurs too, but not da hungry kind.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Yesturday wuz my grandmommie's birfhday. She maded cake and everythings. I founded a types of cake yesturday I did not likes. It wuz sads! For my birfhday I iz gonna have fly pie cake and lots of chocolates!! I gottied my grandmommie a balloon for her birfhday. It wuz green and anodher one wuz pink, from Betsy. I tiedied myself to da balloon and hopped around all days like I was on da moon. I gottied too close to da door outsides and almost went flyink aways! All of dis was after I becamied a warrior by da way. I hopied you likied my story. Haza good day! Happy Tuesdayz!
Monday, August 20, 2012
I iz gonna be a warrior! Becomez a frog warrior! I shall haz a sword and a helmetz and I shall be likez....really awesome lookink in all my froggie warrior gear! I iz gonna be like a knightz or a spartan or somefhink awesome like dat! Iz gonna be really really awesomes. I iz gonna ride dragons and ponies too and they iz gonna be my loyal mountz. I shall also protects da innocent princessez! Ride like da wind pony! We haz a princessez to rescuez! Haza good Monday! Bye byes!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
My momma finished a really really really big bookz today. Haz more pages in its than I can counts....like five hundred gazillion. Iza big number....I can only counts to...a hundreds....one....two...fhree...four...fives.......
hundred. I fhink that iza hundreds....maybe I skippied a couple numberz....maybe I can'ts counts to a hundredz...Iz hard for me to count! I only haz two fingurz on each hand!! I iz gonna go get betturz at counting. To likes....ten or somefhink....bye byez! Haza good Sunday!
hundred. I fhink that iza hundreds....maybe I skippied a couple numberz....maybe I can'ts counts to a hundredz...Iz hard for me to count! I only haz two fingurz on each hand!! I iz gonna go get betturz at counting. To likes....ten or somefhink....bye byez! Haza good Sunday!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Da weathur outside today iz rather nice. I fhink I shall play outsides today. Da sun iz shining da sky is blu and da clouds are happy in da sky. Iza gooooooood day. I fhink I iz gonna hop around outside in da grass and play and stuffs. Da weather iz soooo nice I iz gonna spend all day outsides! Off I go! To da outside worldz! Byez! Haza good Saturday and enjoy da weather!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Pwetty Cake
My grandmomma foundied me this really awesomes cake! Iz all fall like and cakie and it haz a froggie on da top! Iz me! I iz on a cake!! Well....iz not really me....iz a relative of me....anywayz it is a frog and dat is what counts! I is so excited I just hads to shares it wifh you. There iza picture on da side of the screen for youz to sees it. I iz gonna give a links too. It iza really purty cake maded by Frosted Art Bakery and Studio. Bronwen Weber runs dat company and it iz really awesome. I likes to look at her cakez cause dey is cool and pretty (like dis one!) and sometimes dey haz cute animals on them. (like this one too!) Looking at Bronwen's cakes makes me wanna eat cakes.....I haz to find some first.....enjoy da picture and link! I iz gonna go look for some cakez! Oh and haza gooooooood Friday too!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Rain iz Comingz
Da rain iz coming. I likes rainz....I fhink I will goes outsides and sit in da rains....But den I might get sicks.....I doesn't want dat....rainz is nices n stuffz. I wonders why sky iz crying all da times. Did somebodies hurt it's feelingz? I iz sorry somebody hurtied your feelingz sky! I wuv you! You iz very purty and awesomes. Sky you iz da best! Happy Thursday by da way. Only one more day till weekendz!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Birdz Feedurz?
Why doez birdz get special feedurz? I iz frog I iz hungries too. Don't see no fly piez sitting aroundz in feedurz. Why iz there no frog feedurz? Dis is a good question and I wansta know. Maybeez frogs shoulds dress up like birdies so dey can get foods in feedurz too? Hmm....dere iz green birdeez. Likes Yago....hmm....I fhink if enough froggiez dress up likes birdies den we can get feedurz too. But wifh fly piez....now I haz to figure out how to get peoplez to put fly piez in feedurz....
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Frog Love
Oh my dearest sweet Lady Frog,
My lovies for you, my sweet ladie, extendz farther than my tongue does, to reach the farest away fliez. I lovez you more dan all da fly piez in da world. Nofhink can comparez to da wayz I wuvz youz.
To my one and onliez:
I lovez you oodles unpon oodles unpon oodlez. Dat iz a lots. I lovez you more dan all da fliez in fly piez. Dat iz a lot too....I loviez you more dan lilypadz too....I doez not likez it when Ashie smashied my face into da table....but I wuv you Legz.
My lovies for you, my sweet ladie, extendz farther than my tongue does, to reach the farest away fliez. I lovez you more dan all da fly piez in da world. Nofhink can comparez to da wayz I wuvz youz.
To my one and onliez:
I lovez you oodles unpon oodles unpon oodlez. Dat iz a lots. I lovez you more dan all da fliez in fly piez. Dat iz a lot too....I loviez you more dan lilypadz too....I doez not likez it when Ashie smashied my face into da table....but I wuv you Legz.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Iz Monday Again
Iz Monday.....I doezn't like Monday. My momma leaves me for schoolz todays. I doesn't wants dat. I wants my momma to stay home all dayz and every weekz. Mondayz makes me sads.....I sorry Monday if I hurtied your feelingz! If you reading dis, you can make it through Monday! I sayz you can! Friday iz just around the corner! Trusts me I iz smarts! Haza really, really, really, really, really good day!! :D
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Olympicz iz Overs
Olympicz ends todays. Dat makes me sads. I had a fun times watching da Olympicz though. Iz cool to see all da people from around da world. I went to Olympics and earnied da gold medal in cuteness. It was a chocolate coin though but it tasted good....I also particiated in every Olympic event there iz. I wuzn't very good at Gymnastics though....my boat went around in circlez in kayaking....and my famous Olympic dive wuz da cannonball....I did a good job wifh da cuteness contest and da jumping. Being cute and a reallies awesome Olympic athlete is tiring. I iz going to take a nap. Bye bye! Zzzz....
Saturday, August 11, 2012
I iz watching da Olympicz again. I fhink da sport iz tae kwon do but I iz not sure. They iz just ninjas I fhink. They iz like ninja epic kicking-ness ands ninja epic attacking-ness. Dey must be ninjaz. I iz sures of it. Dey izn't wearing black though, Iz wearing red and bluez.....maybe dey izn't ninjaz after alls. Otay....I guess dey iz not ninjas.....otays. Well I iz watching da Olympics anywayz, and dey iz not ninjas.....but dat iz otay.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Iz Friday, Friday! Momma iz gonnasta stayz home for TWO days! Iz weekends! YAAAYYYY!! :) I haz excitedment. I wonders whats fun planz momma haz for the weekends. I hope she includez me in does plans! Haz a really awesome Fridayz!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
It thundured last night. I wuz not afraided of it dis time thoughs! Momma told me how Thor iz da God of thunder and Thor iz not scary. Thor iz one of the Avengers and the Avengerz keeps peoples safes. Thor iz a movie too. Iza good movie. I sorries this post iz short. My momma can'ts really helps me wifh it cause she haz to go to schools. :( I seez you laters! Sorriez!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
School Bus
I seez lots of school busez now. Doez dey eats childrens?! I seez dem gets on da buses but doez not see dem come off till laturz.....oh...buses doez not eat childrenz. Dey just take childrens to schoolz. I gets it nowz. I iz gonna see a lots more of dem school buses. School iz starting ups again! Haz good day today and if you iz going to school for new school year welcomes back!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Summer iz overs for my momma. Todays is her last day anywayz. Tomorrowz she goes back to schoolz and stuffs. Why does momma haz to leaves me agains? I iz going to misses her. I guesses she haz to go to schools to get knowledgez. I haz knowledgez, but doesn't know as muches as my momma does. Here iz a picture of a frog playingz a banjoz to makes your days betterz.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Today I iz gonna post about Curiosity da rover dat iz taking picturez of Mars! I fhink Curiosity iz cute.....I would keep Curiosity companiez on Mars, but dat iz too far away so I willz stays here insteads. Curiosity iz taking pictures of Mars for knowledge and stuffs. I haz lots of knowledgez, but doez not knows much about Mars so dis post will be kindaz shorts. I sorries. Haza good Mondayz and stay curiouz!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
I haz a donut! Donutz has sugar! That makes me hhhhhyyyyyppppppeeeeerrrrrr!! You can't tell cause you izn't looking at me but I iz hopping up and down and up and down and up and down over and over and over and over and overz! I fhink maybe donuts haz a bit too much sugars for me! I cannot handlez it! I will explodes of sugarie goodness! Or...maybe.....I'll....just wearz....myselfs out.....Zzzzzzz.....
Saturday, August 4, 2012
I iz wondering.....what doez "lucky" meanz? When you haz a good day? Does dat make you lucky? Or maybees when you finds a penny on da side of da road? Iz it lucky when you gets somethink you haz been trying to gets for a while? Or iz lucky when you finds dat pot of gold at da end of da rainbows?...hmm....I just doezn't know. Or maybe we iz all lucky?...hmm....I did nots considers dat....if you iz having bad day and doesn't fhink you iz lucky, remembers, I, King Legs da frog, loves you and appreciates you taking your times to read dis. I wuv you and haz a good day! Here iz a inspirational messagez to makes todays lucky for youz.

Friday, August 3, 2012
Doesn't tells my momma but I haz been eating da candiez she leftied on her desk. Me and Betsy haz been munching on dem while she izn't here. Om nom nom. I fhink if she doezn't wants us to eats it she shouldn't leaves it down here in plain sights. Oh iz Friday I just noticeied dat. Iz Friday, Friday.....hmm.....I haz candy and iz Friday. Iz bound to be a good day! I iz gonna go eat more candies now. Haza good day and weekend iz almost here!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Hello dere! I haz good newz! Dis haz nofhink to do wifh me at allz, but a elephantie at da zoo my momma goez to iz going to haz a baby! Iz expected for Spring of 2013. I iz excited now! Maybe I can make friends wifh elephant? Hmm....I doezn't haz lots of elephant friendz. Only Gizzy. Dat iz otay though. Gizzy is a good friendz for me so I iz happy. Anywayz, baby elephantz iz very adorablez so when she iz born (iz female baby elephant!) I will goes to seez her. I fhink we will becomez friendz and she can givez me rides on her head and stuffz. All dis typing iz making me tireds! I iz going back to sleeps! Zzzzz....
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
I iz back to talking about Olympics. Today I iz watching Archery. I fhink I will become Katniss and shoot epicly n stuffz. I iz also watching Gymnastics but it haz been determined I can't does dat stuffs. Frogz iz not flexible....My tounge haz good aims when catching flies. Maybe I can haz good Archery aims too? If eating fly piez was Olympic sports I would win. But iz not a sport....maybe I'll just watches insteads. Bye byes! Seez you laters!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
I iz taking break from posting about Olympicz cause today I haz pie. I haz pie to celebrate 200fh blog post! I would've made 200 piez but I did not haz enough crust. I only madied two. Pie iz chocolate and iz tastey and om nom noms....I fhink I could eats da whole thing. Iz rather tasteies. Iz not da same as fly pie, but dat iz otay, it iz still tastey. I fhink I haz said tasteyz enough for one posts but I doesn't knows how elses to describe pie...I shall tries again. Pie iz amazings circle crustz wifh chocolates (or flies) fillingz wifh beautifulz tastez....I iz making myselfs hungries now, so I iz gonna go and eat pies now. Byez!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Kayaking iz on Olympics todays. Iz very confuzzling I fhink. All da turningz and da movink. I fhink I would fall off of da kayak and I would ends up swimmingz insteads...den I would probabliez end up getting stucks in a whirlpoolz or somefhink....den I would haz to be rescuied....dat would not be fun....I fhink I'll just sticks to swimming insteads.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Bike Racez!
I iz watching da Olympic bike racez. Iz da females racing today. Yesturday waz da males. I watchied gymnastics yast night and da swimmings. I could do Olympic swimmingz! I coulds beats all da human swimmerz times. Or maybe I coulds just hop along the side of da pool....Da female bike race iz almosts overs now. I fhink Netherlands iz winning....Good lucks to all teamz. Here iz picture of me on my bikez.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
I iz watching the Olympics! It iz fun. I iz watching da bike racez. I doesn't knows who iz in winning but it iz funs to watch. Da opening ceremoniez last night waz goods. I iz team U.S.A. but I iz also proud of all da athletes. I really wants to seez da swimming cause I iz a frog and froggiez swim. Maybe I coulds make it to Olympicz? I hopes I coulds!
Friday, July 27, 2012
My momma gottied her schedule for school today. She haz lots of classes I does not understands. I haz schedule.....here it iz.
1. Leaping
2. Cutenessz
3. Fly Catching
Nom noms! (Lunch lunch!)
4. Froggie History
5. Stories
6. Maths
I think my schedulez iz better dan my momma's. She doesn't likes her schedulez.
1. Leaping
2. Cutenessz
3. Fly Catching
Nom noms! (Lunch lunch!)
4. Froggie History
5. Stories
6. Maths
I think my schedulez iz better dan my momma's. She doesn't likes her schedulez.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
I haz become the Great Leaper! Does not tells nobody, I needs to keeps my identity safe! Faster than a speeding car! Can jumpz higher than a airplane dat iz flyings! Annnnddd cuter than some puppies, iz Great Leaper! Bum ba daaaaa! I iz protecting the innocent woodland creaturez and putting out firez, stuffs like dat. I doesn't even need a phoneboof to changes into my outfits neithur. I iz Great Leaper iz just dat awesome! Keeping da world safe one woodland creature atz a times! Greaaaatttt Leeeaaapppeeerrr!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Frog Jumping!
Olypmics iz coming up soons. I fhink dat frogs shoulds be ables to be in Olympics for jumping! We iz high jumpers, it wouldz be a goods sports. If frogz jumpings was in Olympics den you mights sees me on dem! I iza really high jumper and iz practicing and stuffs. I would brings home golds for frog jumping if it waz sport in Olympics. :D
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Iz me Betsy. I saw dese shoez on TV and I wants some shoez now. I doesn't know....does shoez come in frog sizez? I fhink my feetz iz just too smallz for shoez....otay...I will buy hats insteads! A fez and a stetson and a.....wait a seconds! Hats does not comes in frog sizes neifher! Otay...otay....I will buy...I will go shopping and buys myselfs a purse. Den I can carries stuffs around in its...purses haz to come in frog sizes right?...
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I iz sorry I did not post earliers! Me and Betsy was on a adventures. We wentied to dis temple and found dis sacred froggie statue and we waz gonna take it and puts it in a museum...and when we did takes it dis boulder cames out of nowhere and startied to chases us! We maniaged to escapes da temples but den dis evil guy tookied da statue for himselfs! We chaised him wifh a friend of ours, who iza snake, and got da statue back. After we gottied the statue we thankied out friend da snake and returnied home to put da statue in a museum. Along da way I got this really awesomes brown hat....*Yawwwwnnn* I iz tired now. Advetures iz hard stuffs!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
One Hundried Ninentyifh!
Dis iz my one hundried ninetyifh blog post. Dat iz hmm...1-9-0. Iza big number. If I waz gonna count dat out wifh my fingierz it would take 95 froggiez to helps me cause we frogz only haz 2 fingers. I will startz rallying my froggie friends for 200th blog post, but I will needs 100 froggies! If you knowz any froggies who would likes to helps dat would be apprecimerated.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Frogs does not normalliez eat meats...but today I atied bacons. Bacon iz awesomes and crispies and tasties. Om nom nom. I likes bacons. I askied my auntie Ashie what she thinks abouts bacons and she saids thumbs up! I would gives bacon thumbs up but I doesn't haz thumbs...iz unfortunate. :( I iz gonna go eats more bacons, I seez you laturs.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Pwetty Rock!
Today, Auntie Ashie gavied me a pwetty green rock....iz really awesome and iz circle and iz green like me....but iz lighter shades of green...iz see thruz too. I izn't see thruz I hopes! I iz tryink to fhink of a namez for my pwetty rock...but I can'tz come ups wifh one. My grandmommie would come upz with a good names for him! I will ask her later...me and Betsy andz unknowns rock iz gonna go haz adventurez now. I seez you laturs.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Yesturday my momma and grandmommie made browniez. Dey wuz very tastey. They wuz chocolate and wifh chocolate chipz and om nom nom....I iz gonna eats all da browniez. I will probablies get a tummy aches laturs, but it will be worthz it. Bye, bye. Iz gonna go eat brownies now.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Iz Coming Home!
Ashie iz coming home today. I was running lows on da love she gavied me. I iz almost outs of it now. Iz good fhink she iz gonna be able to resuppliez me when she getz back. Dat makes me happies! All my ofher friends iz happy to knowz Ashie iz coming home so dey can get hugz and stuffs. I wants hugz too, but I fhink my momma iz gonna get hug first. Or my grandmommie. I can waitz, humans runs out of loves faster anyways. I iz gonna wait excitedly till Ashie iz back. Bye bye! :)
Monday, July 16, 2012
Bob da Taco-Mustachicorn!
My momma drew this awesome picturez of a unicorn....but he iz no average unicorn. He iz thwee awesome thinks combinied. He iz tacos, mustaches, and unicorns combinied! Hiz name is Bob. If Bob iz hungries he nibbles on fingerz....I iz safe from dat cause my fingers iz too small. Ofher unicornz does not likes Bob, I doesn't knows why. I fhink Bob iz awesome. Here iza picture of him, my momma drew one so I could showz you.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
My momma haz dis candies called Smarties. Dey is sugarie and iz awesome. I iz wondering if dey makes me smarters...I could be professor Legs da frog if dey make me smarterz. I could eats oodles and oodles of dem and become uperly smart. And I won'tz talks like dis no mores cause I would be smarters. But my momma sayz dis is cute da way I talk, so I guess maybies I just eat enough Smartiez to become kinda smarts...
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Ashie went to a rodeo yestermurday. What iza rodeo? It haz big bullz in it doesn't it? I iz afraided now, big bulls squashie small froggies into da ground! I doez not wannsta be squashied! Maybe...maybe bull iz friendly to froggies? I...I does not mean no harms! I doesn't wannsta hurts nobodies. Ashie sentied my momma a picture of baby cow...or maybe he iza baby bull, I doesn't remember. Anyways, Ashie sentied me picture of a baby animalz dat she gots to pet. He wuz so cute I haz to share his picture wifh you.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Friday da Fhirteemfh
Today iz Friday da Fhirteemfh. Dat iz one-thwee. I waz toldied today iz bad lucks. I iz scareded. I fhink I shall hided in my momma's desk, dat will be safes for me. I doesn't understands what iz so unluckies about one-thwee. Iz just a numbers like every ofher number. Maybe it iz just misundermistood. I fhink one-thwee iz gonna be my new friend. Iz not scary.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Auntie Ashie iz going to Texas today. She iz gonna go visit her penpal therez. What iz Texas? I know it iz state but where iz it? Hmm...I wonder if Ashie's penpal knowz and frogz down dere she might wansta intromudooce me to. I likez to meets new frogs. I iz gonna misses her while she iz gone. Haz fun in Texas Ashie, I misses you alreadies.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Hi dere, iz me Betsy. I iz posting for Legs today cuz he said I coulds. My momma said I can haz a pony. I iz very excitied. It will be pink and flowiried likes me. And I will snugglez it and hugz it and we will be best fwiends. I wonderies when I will gets to meet dis pony. Legs sayz if I gets a pony he should gets a dragon. I hopes he gets da dragon he wantz. By da way, my poniez name will be Sparklez. I gottsta go, seez you laters.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
My momma iz going bowling! She iz going bowling wifh her cuzion and auntie Ashie and Abbee. It sounds like fun. I wannsta come, I wannasta come!! But momma sayz I can't. She sayz I doesn't haz enough fingers, and dat da bowling ball would squish me flat! *sniff* But...I wannsta.....I wannsta go bowling! Dey iz gonna play lazer tag too, but.....momma says I can't do dat neifher. Otay, me and Betsy will just makes our own bowling! Dere! We will get grandmomma to help us and we'll haz lots and lots of funs!
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