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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Never stayz

I thought summer wuz gonna be times for me and my momma's to spend together. But mosta da time she iz gone or doing somefhink. I iz kinda sads now. But while she iz gones me and Betsy haz parties.....I still miss my momma though.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I iz afraided. I watchied scary movie about zombies last night. Betsy told me they was coming to get me! I iz freaking out now. Will plants protect me?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pet Selector?

My momma is looking at pet selectors for doggies and kitties. Iz I not good enoughs no mores? Does selectors sayz dat she is compatible with doggies but not me. I iz sads now.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Iz Memorial Day. I honor those soldiers that lost their lives. It's sad. :( Thank you soldiers for protecting me and my momma and my grandmomma's freedoms. I appreciate that. My momma helped me type this to make sure the spelling was good. Have a good Memorial Day.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I iz gonnas be watchin da race todayz. Da Nascar race. I doesn't understand why it is Nascar why not Nasfrog? Frogs iz better dan carz.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Specials Post

Hi dere. I doesn't normalliez post twice in one dayz, but I postied dis cause iz inspirational and iz good video. I hopez you like dis, what doesn't killz you makes you strongiers.

Momma lefts

Momma lefts me and Betsy home yast night so we stayied up and playied video gamies and drank sodas and stuffs. Now I iz so tireds. :(

Friday, May 25, 2012

Iz Summer

Iz summer but my momma keeps waking me up early! Why momma? Why you do dis to me? I doesn't yike it! I needs my beauty sleep remembers? Now I angries.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Yast Day.

Today iz my momma's yast day of Freshmun year. Her class color iz green. Izn't dat awesomez? It seems like dust yusterday my momma was gettin on dat bus for da first day. Dat waz a sad day. She wuz gone for a long time! She iz gonna be homes for summers now. I iz happy frog. I seez you later. Byes!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nine hundwed ninedy nine.

I haz nine hundwed ninedy nine views on my blog. I iz so happies and excited. Who wantz to be my one tousandth view?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Fwiend

We made a new fwiend. Me and Betsy met a panda bear. Her hame is Shanghai. Auntie Ashie says dat means good luck. Wellz good lucks everybody with da end of da school year. :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Onlyz Four More Dayz!

Dat iz enough dayz to count on my fingerz! Yay! Only four more! Den she iz gonna be home for summerz. And we gonna have funz everydayz.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I haz decided I iz gonna be a lion. I doesn't wanna be a frog no mores. Everybudy lovez lionz. So derefore everybody will lovez me.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Joey da Snail

I addied somefhink new to my blog. Iz Joey da snail. If you look on da right side of my blog you can see him. He talks. Allz you gotta do iz press play and he will talkz to you. I hopez you like him. He iza good friend of mine.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Iz Frogday

Iz frogday frogday, gottsta get downz on frogday. Oh and todayz dis is my 125th post. Dat iza big number.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Only 5 more dayz.

Five more dayz of my momma leaving me for school, den she'z gonna be home for Summer! I iz happy!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hi dere!

Iz me Betsy again. My momma made me toast today. Om nom nom. I likez toast. Iz tasty. Haza good day!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Inturnet iz working!

Inturnet iz back up and running. I iz sorriez for inconvienciez. I did not haz nofhan plannied to post todayz. So I just uhm....sitz here. *ribbit, ribbit*

Monday, May 14, 2012

Iz Sorries.

If I doez not post in da next few dayz it iz cuz my inturnet iz not working very wellz. I iz sorries.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

I iz sorry I culd not post yesturday. Da inturnet wuz not working. I wrotied poem for my grandmomma froggie for Mother's day.
I hopez you likes it. Happy Mother's day.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Science project science project!

Me and Betsy and momma iz gonna makez a science project abouts electromagneticz stuff. Seez I spellied dat big word all byz myselfs.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


My momma iz gonna go talkz on a panel. I doesn't knowz what a panel iz but I wantsta talk on one tooz. I wanna talk on a panelz. I learnied how to spellz it and everyfhink just to showz how much I wantsta talk on one. Wut iza panel anywayz?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chocolate Cakeezzzz!

I haz chocolate cakez! Cake cake cake cake cake cake cake!! Cakkkkkkeeeeeezzzzz!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I haz 'ookies!

Om nom nom nom om om om om om! *muncha muncha muncha crunccchhhh!!!* Do you munt zum 'ookiuz? *givez 'ookie*

Monday, May 7, 2012


My momma went to see Avengers over da weekend, withoud me! But anywayz me and Betsy iz gonna be Avengers. I iz gunna be Hulk and Betsy iz gonnaz be Black Widow. Den our froggie friendz is gonna be other Avengers.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I iz so hoppy!

My momma iz gonna be on Summer Break soonz! Den I getsta seez her all dayz everydayz!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Newtonz Laws of Frogotion

My momma iz reviewing for science finalz. I iz helping her. She says I iz smarticles. Betsy iz good at science. I doesn't understand much about sciences.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Ice creamz...

On Tuezday I had a whole buncha ice and Betsy did. So yesturdayz we got sick and our momma had to take carez of us.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I iz so adroablez. I iz so cutieeee!! I iz absoluterz adorabullz. I iz so adorabullz I can't even typez cause I haz troubles being so cutes.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Peanut Butterz

I sawz dis jawr inda pantriez soz I decidieds to eaties it and nowz I haz peanut butterz thuck to da top of my moufh. I doezn't yike dis...