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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloweens!

Today iz Halloweens. Tis Betsy's first Halloweens. We iz going to go trick or treating. :) Me and Betsy iz going to dress up as the Doctor and River Song! Iz going to be epic! I will use my sonic screwdriver to impress peoplez. And my fancy accentz....but best of all! My awesomest companion ever. River Song! Yaaaayyyy. I iz gonna go now, bye bye.

P.S. If you iz on da East Coast, stay safes!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


If you lives on da East Coastz, try to stay safes from da hurricanes! Hurricane iz really scary. I hopes you stays safe if you lives on da East Coast. Be carefuls! I doesn't haz much else to say. Haz a good day, stay safes!

Monday, October 29, 2012


Hurricane iz heading for da East Coast! If you lives on da East Coast be carefuls! Legs hopes you stay safes! Be really carefulls! I does not haz much to post today just be uber carefulls if you live on da East Coast and haz a good day. Iz just Monday, iz not scary. I fhink Hurricanez iz scary. Which iz why I says again! Stays safe pwease!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I iz going to learn how to dance! Iz going to be a very good dancer. Except I haz webbed froggie feet which could makes dancing hards...Betsy will teaches me. She won't minds if I accidentlies steps on her feets...I will be a uber great froggie dancer and will make it to da Olympics for dancingz...even if there iz no Olympic sport for dancings...I will invents one! Yeah! Dat would be awesomes. I iz gonna go learn to dance now I sees you later.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I haz a tank. It iz green. It explodes stuffs. Boom! Boom! Pew pew! Pew pew pewz! My tank iz very awesomes. I likes it very muches. When I gets bored I can drives around in my tank. Betsy likez my tanks. Iz really awesome a tank-like....My momma's friend haz a tank....his tank haz bigger explosives than mine tank iz peaceful!...ish! Well I iz gonna go play tanks, sees you later. Haz a good day.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloweenz Costumez

Whats should me and Betsies be for Halloweens? I does not know....I could be a firemanz, or astronaughts, or a pirates....or a cute wittle hungry green monster.....or I could be a skeleton...or a frog....Wait! I already iz a frog. :O I should be....I shooulllddd beee....hmm....maybe I will be da Doctor for Halloweenz! Yeah yeah! I will do dat! I will haz to find a way to make dat costume....Haz a good Friday! Seez you later!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Kitchen Iz Haunted!

There iz ghosts in da kitchen! Dey iz chocolate cakez and icingz and chocolate chipz....ghosts!! I hopes they iz friendly....I iz scared! I snucks up on one of these unsuspectingz ghosts and I licked him and he tastied like icingz! I hid aftur that cause there iz nothing worse than a ghosts dat iz chasingz after you!....I hope they izn't mads at me.....I iz goings to hide from ghosts now. I seez you later...doesn't tell them where I iz! Haz a good day!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Friendz in fars away Placez!

My momma haz friendz in fars fars away places....and by dat I mean Illinois. (dat iz da state I cames from if you rememburz!) Actually iz not friend in far away place iz relativez! Because relativez lives so fars away we does not get to see her much. :( Dat makes Legs a sad froggie. I wish I could sees my relativez more oftens....most of my relativez lives in pondz.....ponds in Illinois dat iz too far for me to visits. Dat makes me sads. :( My momma haz a friend who lives in da same state as her but iz still too far to sees him...not very oftens momma haz lots of friendz/relatives in far away placez....I iz happy I does not lives far aways! I would miss my momma! Haz a good day! Weekend iz almost here!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Good Luckz

Da Cardinalz did not gets into da world seriez. Da Giantz did. Althoughz mosts of da peoples in my town iz sad about da Cardinalz (I iz sad about them toos) I iz going to be a good sportz and wishes da Giantz good luck. Haz fun playingz da game Giantz, good luckz.

Monday, October 22, 2012


I haz decided I am goings to paint myselfs wifh black paints and becomez a panthur. I wouldz be a very very cutes panthers you know...I even haz my rawr mastured. Mew? Isn't dat da best rawrz ever? I wills be a very goods baby pantherz. I chewz on boots and snugglez peoples and everythingz dat panthurz do! Meoooowwwwzzz. Puuurrrr. I iz a good panthur. I iz gonna go be a good panthurz somewhere elses. I sees you later. Haz a good day.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


My momma iz going to do histories homeworks. I wonders if I will end up in history bookz...I can be George Frogingtonz, da first presidents of da United Frog Statez. Or I could be a painters! Likes da Vinci. I could be Legnardo da Vinciz. Or maybe...I will be famous for exploringz da worlds. Christopherz Froglumbus! I did not spells dat rights I knowz....maybe I will be famous forz da first frogs on da moon....I guess I can'ts be famouses just for being cutes? Well I dunnos....hmm....I will fhink abuot dat. I seez you later, haz a good day.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Meetingz New Peoples

Hewwo. I could not posts earliers because my mommas was off meetings new peoples and I needs her helps to write I hads to wait tills now. She was gonez all days. I missied hers a ton...I iz happies she iz home now!! So shes can helps me write dis blog posts....she tellz me she had a funs day meetings new people. I does not meets new peoplez though, normallies I just meets other frogz. Hum de dum....I does not haz much to say. I waz lonely today but I iz glad my momma hads fun meetings new peoples...I sees you later, haz a good rest of da day.

Friday, October 19, 2012


If da Cardinalz wins one more games dey goes to da World Seriez. What does you fhink of 12 in 12? I dunno how birdies plays baseball, but they iz good. I likes dem. I wonder why there izn't a frogz team. Dat would be too awesomes. Frogz iz epics.....I iz proud of da Cardinalz! I doesn't know much about baseballs or anythings but I iz happy. Da peoples in my townz iz proud of da Cardinalz. Althoughz winning baseballz games iz nice, iz always betters to be a good sports and plays fair! Making friendz iz goods too! Well I iz going to looks for a frogz baseball teamz, I sees you later. Haz a good day!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I iz going to becomes a baker. I iz going to make cookies and cakes and pies and cheesecakes and brownies and cupcakes and more cookies and cakez.....I fhink I will be a good bakers! I will be....hmm....Legs da Baker Frog! It will be awesomes. I can add bakerz to my list of many identities.....I haz a lot of free timez to haz many identities cauze my momma doesn't lets me goes to school....anywayz! I iz going to makes a tonz of foods and gives it to kidz so dey can be happies. :) Well off I goes to learns how to bake. Bye byes!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Dere iz a songz stuck in my heads. Dis haz not happened befores! Whats does I do?? It does not wants to gets out of my heads! Fra la la la la laaaaaaaa.....songs, gets out of my heads! I needs to think froggie thoughtz. Gets outta me heads! Sonnnnggggzzz! I does not likes it when you iz in my heads! I must fhink....froggie thoughtz!.....but da song iz drowning outs all of my thoughtz!....I will just sings da song and makes it gets out of my headz. FRA LA LA LAAAAAAAAAA LA LA LA LLLAAAAAAAAA LA LALALALA LLLLLLAAAA! Haaavvveeee a goooodd dayyyyyyy, iz almost da weeekeeeennndddzzzzz!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Iz Tuesday....and I iz tired.....iz a hard lifes being a frogz....I kidding. Iz fun to be a froggie. But anyway, iz Tuesday....and dat meanz one....two....fhree....four more dayz till da weekends and dat iz not counting todayz. My momma iz excited about da weekend for some reazons she will not tells me....I bet she will be leavingz me for da weekend....I doesn't want dat, I doesn't like dat.....well...I haz gotten off topic of da Tuesdayz....da weekend iz right around da corner, but it iz Tuesday we just haz to do da best wifh what we haz. Tuedayz....haz a good one.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Break Iz Overz...

Break iz overz. D: Dat iz sads. My momma haz to go back to schools todays....which meanz she haz to wakes me up earlies....and I doesn't get to sees her all dayz! Dis iz rather sad. I don't want my momma to go back to schoolz! I fhink she iz smarts enoughs! I wants to go to schoolz though. She won'ts let me.....she sayz school iz not for froggies....I wants to go to schoolz though! Maybe there iz frog schoolz? I fhink dat would be awesomes. Well....I haz to go now. I seez you later. Haz a good day.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Iz Sunday!

Today iz Sunday. But iz not very sunnies outsides at all...iz rainys. I fhink da sky haz a sad. Does not cry sky! I will makes it better! *huuuuuggg!* I gave da sky a hug! Dat should makes it happies, right? Sky, why iz you sad? :( Now I iz sad because da sky iz sad. Today iz a sads day. I fhink I will goes outsides and sits in da rainz. Da sky will be cryingz on me. I will be da shoulder for da sky to cries on and makes it a happy skyz so da sun will shines tomorrowz! Haz a good Sundayz!

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Yesturday my momma and her grandmommies and auntie Ashie wentied shopping. They gotted some puzzles and shoez and momma gotted a puzzle wifh lots of candy wrapperz on it....but not ones wifh frogz on it! I does not understands why she would gets a puzzle wifhout frogz on it! Dere was one therez too! She musta not likied da frogz very muches....Ashie gotted a new pair of bootz and dey iz soft...I wanna use dem az a boat but she won't lets me! I guess I will just puts dis puzzle together and thinks about boatz...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fridayz Fridayz!

Iz Friday again! Yaayyyyyzzz Friday! Weekend iz almost here! Just one more days! Weekend weekend weeekkkeeennndddd!!! I iz gonna like sleep in uberz late tomorrowz and iz gonna eat lots of candies and caffienez and all kindz of stuffs. Iz gonna be funs. I hopes you haz a good day and a really awesomes weekend! Seez you laters!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I haz learned today that whalez is really really cutez. Like they iz so uberly adorables. And they swims and plays in da waters and iz a lot like dolphinz but iz WAAAYYYYY bigger! I like whalez! I fhink momma should takez me and Betsy someplacez to see da whalez. Dat would be awesomez. To provez my point dat whalez is UBER adorablez, here iz a pictures of one! HE IZ A GIANT WHAALEEEE! Izn't he adorable?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I finished a really awesomes book today....iz was about dragonz and magics and I fhink it had a pony in it but I does not waz so uberly awesomes. Books makes me smarticles! I likes being smarticles. Bookz can also takes you on adventurez to other places dat iz far, far away! Gasp! My blogz iz kinda likes a book! But it does not ends! I iz gonna go find a book abouts a frog, so I can reads it! Haz a good day and readz lots of stuffs!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I haz candies! Om nom nom nom om om nom! I iz so happies! I iz gonna haz a sugar ruusssshhhh!! Yaaayyyy!!! Om nom nom om om nom! Iz gonna be so hyperrrssss!!!! Yaayyyyyyyyyy!!!! Haz a goooddd daaaayyy!!! Iz Tuesday, Friday iz right around the corners!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Rawr! I iz a dragon! I can flyyyyyyyz! Wells.....maybe I can't fly....but I iz still a dragon! I haz wings, but they iz hidden. I doesn't breathe fires, but that does not mean I iz not a dragonz! Raaaaawwwwwrrrrrrrrr iz a draagggggoonnnnn!! Otays, I iz gonna go like...protect da innocent peoples and stuffs wifh my dragon-ness. Haz a good day!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


My momma's cousin cames over yesturday. He was herez like all days. :D I likes him, he iz fun to be wifh. We watched Avengerz and ated chips and dips and we played video gamez. It was lots and lots and lots of funz. I wish I had cousinz. I does not though...I doesn't haz any brofhers or sisturs eifher. I wish I had those toos! I wish I had uber big familiez wifh lots and lots of memburs! Well....maybe not too manyz. Offs I go! Seez ya later! Haz a good day!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


My momma iz making somefhink....hmm....I wonders what it iz....I doesn't know. She won't tells me! Even though iz not for me she still won'ts tells! She says she iz making somefhinks for somebodies who readz my blogz and dat if she tolds me I would posts about it den dat person woulds finds out! So I doesn't know....*sadness* She says she will lets me know when she finishez it though!

Friday, October 5, 2012


I wuz flyingz my hot air balloons all day todayz. It was funs. I did not haz time to posts earlier, I sorries about thatz. I wents all da ways to France in my hot air balloonz.....den I cames back home. Wuz a fun trips. I hopes you had a good day! Iz Friday! Whoos!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hot Air Balloonz

I iz going to learn to flys a hot air balloon! My momma iz gonna find me a balloonz and attatches stringz to it and some sorts of container, den I iz going to flyz! I will manages it....It wont's exactaly bes a hot air balloons cause it won'ts be hot air but will still bees a balloons! Off I goes to learns to flys it, bye beys! Haz a good days!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Breakz!

After todays my momma iz gonna be on fall breaks. She iz gonna be here likes....for da next eights dayz. I iz happies. I wants to see my momma everydays! It will makes me happies! She sayz she does not haz any plans for all of da fall breaks. I fhink dat means she will stays home wifh me everydays!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Hewwo again! Iz me Betsy! I iz looking at da treez and all da lweavez iz falling offs da trees. They iz so purties. I wish I could climbz da trees and be wifh da lweavez. They iz all happy and togethers....I wants to be happy wifh da lweaves. They iz gonna fall to da grounds soon. Then I can play wifh them and hops up and downs in them! I loves da lweaves. Haz a good day!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Why does lunch gets a box? I wants a box....I could travels around in it likez a TARDIS. I wants a softs box dat iz lunch box size so I can travels around! Iz hard to find a greenz lunch boxes though. Even if I really wants one....I would gets to go all overs kindas like dogs haz kennels and I could travels places! Dat would be awesomes....I will finds a lunches box so I can travels! Haz a good day!