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Monday, December 31, 2012

New Yearz...almost!

Happy almost New Yearz! Me and my familiez iz gonna haz a Star Wars marathon for New Yearz. What iz you going to do to celebrate da new year? I can't wait for da fireworkz. Iz gonna be awesomes. I iz gonna eat a lotz of food to celebrate too. Haz a safe and happy new yearz eve, and a good 2013!

Sunday, December 30, 2012


I iz gonna go to da mall. Betsy iz gonna comes too. She wants to go shoppingz. I hope it iz going to be funz. I wonders if you can buy ponies at da mallz. I hope you can. I wants a BBC we go, to da mallz. Sees you laters.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Last Saturdayz

Today iz da last Saturdayz of 2012. That makes me kinda sads. I doesn't want to say good byes to 2012. Iz my friend. I will miss it...I fhink I will haz 2013 to make friends wifh though! That will be awesomes. I just wish dat my friend 2012 could stays forevers....Sighz. Bye bye 2012. Hewwo 2013.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Ice Cubez

I founded a ice cubez and popped it in my moufh...It was really coldz and stuck-ed to my tonguez. D: I panicked and accidently swallowed da whole ice cubez. It was really badz. I haz learned my lessonz about ice cubez. I will never puts one in my moufh again.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Today I went sleddingz. It was a lot of fun. I went down da hill in my backyards. It iz a really uber big hill for a froggie. I muchly enjoyed it. Even though there iz no snow, I went sleddingz anyway. I just slid down da hill on my bellies. :D Hopefully there will be more snowz next winterz so I can go real sleddingz.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012 nom.

Sorry I did notz post earliers today. I had a major tummyachez because I eated waaaaaaayyyyyy too many Christmas ookies. I was also having a sugar rushez...then I had a sugar was really badz. I will post earlierz tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Yay yay yay presantz!

I was a really really good froggie dis year! Me and Betsy gotted a TRAMPOLINE for Christmas!!! I iz so excited! We iz gonna jump really really highs now! I gotted some books too and a new blanket and a coloring bookz. I musta been a really uber good froggie dis year. I hope you haz a happy holiday! No matter what you iz celebrating today!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Evez!

Today iz Christmas Evez! I iz excited! I wonder what I gots for Christmas. I fhink I was a very good froggie this year. Even if Santa Claus does not bring me anythings, I will still haz my family to be wifh this holiday. Dat makes me happies. I hope you haz a happy holiday!

Sunday, December 23, 2012


There iz trading cardz....lots of dem. I wonder if there iz frog trading cardz. Maybe I haz my very own frog trading cardz..maybe there iz a frog trading cardz wifh me on it. I fhink that would be very awesomes. Maybe I will makes my own frog trading cards!! I will go does that now. I sees you laters.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


I survived da frogpocalypse! I forgoted to bring a flies pie to shares....I iz happies that Betsy rememberied to bring a extra pies! We froggies partied all nights. It was funz! I iz tiredz now. So I iz going to go to sleepz. Sees you tomorrowz.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Today was da last day of my momma's 2012 school yearz. She doesn't haz to go back to schools till 2013! I iz happies! Maybe it will stays 2012 forever so she will never go back to schoolz! She will stays home wifh me forevers! Iz that a selfish thing to fhink of?...I doesn't think so. Enjoys da secondz to last Fridayz of December!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Sorries I did not post earliers today. I was uber busy dis morning. It haz been SNOWING all dayz!!! I iz so happies! Iz amazing! I wuff snows! I iz gonna go outsides and make snow frogz in da lawn. I will sees you later. Haz a good rest of the day.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I had pancakez for dinnerz last night wifh LOOOOOTTTTTTSSS of syrupz. It was really stickiez. I iz stickies now....I fhink I iz going to get my sticky syrup-ness all over da place. Dat will be fun. :D Or would dat be devious? Maybe iz a bit of I goes to make stuff stickies! Byeeee! Sees you later! Haz a good day.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


My grandmomma said it might snows tomorrow! I luff snow! Iz fun to plays wifh!....actually...I doesn't know if snow iz fun to play wifh. Haz never been outside in da snow. Haz never seen snow. It makez me sads. Iz snow fun to plays wifh? I hope it snows so I can finds out. Iz gonna go sits by da window and waits for snow. I sees you later! Haz a good day!

Monday, December 17, 2012


I haz a box of crayonz. They iz really awesomes. I likes da colors. There iz like....a gazillion different color greenz. I wonder if there iz a color called "frog green" dat would be so awesomes. Frog green would be likes da best colorz ever. I iz gonna go color picturez wifh dese awesome crayonz. I sees you later! Haz a good day!

Sunday, December 16, 2012


I like cloudz. I fhink they iz really pretties. I wish I could hug all da clouds. Da lonely clouds...sitting up in da skies all alone....I wonder what they iz thinking about...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Poor Cakez

My momma maded a cake today. It did not wants to come out of da pan thoughz....dis is what it lookz like now. I fhink it will still tastes good but I feel bad for it. I hopes you haz a good Saturday filled wifh cake!

Friday, December 14, 2012


I haz found a lost dinosaur. He iz small and purples and likes to nibble on da legs of tables when he iz hungry. I fhink he iz sad and kinda lonelies. Did anybody lose a smallz purple dinosaurs recentlies?....I hope he doesn't get hungries enough to eat me....I guess I will puts up lost dinosaur posterz....I will sees you later. Haz a good Friday.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Cardz!

Calling all frog bloggerz! Calling all frog bloggerz!! If you sees dis post I needs to ask somefhing from you! I would likes you to read this other blog posts and does what it says! If you haz a little time, and maybeez even extra Christmas cardz send one that wayz! Otays? Thankeez. Haz a great day!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today iz da frogpocalypze! All da frogz in da worlds iz going to join togetherz and eat fly pies and sit on lilypadz. It iz going to be very much funz. I haz to make a pie for myself. For da frogpocalypze all frogz haz to bring one fly pies to share. We also haz fly cookiez. Iz a big party we haz every once in a while when it iz really colds and we need frog luffs to keep us warms! Oh and we sings frog songz too....I iz going to go and make my fly piez. I will sees you later!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Heeewwwooooo Abbeeeez!

I would just likes to say hewwoz to my mommaz friend Abbe. I posted about her earlier on my blogz. Abbe iz very epic and majorly awesomes. And me and Betsy fhink she iz like da best. She maded cookies once! I had one and they waz veeeerrrryyyyyyyy tasteyz. I fhink Abby haz good qualitiez for friendship-ness. She iz smart and pretties and iz good at making cookiez!! And she haz good hugz too!! Otays, I sees you later! Haz a good day my fwiends!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Reindeerz iz wifh Santa and da sleigh and stuffs....and they iz a very important parts to Christmas..I iz wondering what holiday frogz iz important to....I fhink I should be a reindeers so I can fly. And I can be next to Rudolphs at da front of da sleigh! I fhink dat would be epicness. I iz going to find who iz in charge of frogs becoming reindeerz and talk to dem about it! Haz a good day! I hopes by the times I sees you tomorrow I iz a reindeer er....a frog (a flyingz frog!!) on Santa's sleighz!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Time Travelz

Today iz act like a time travlerz day! I iz going to be like da Doctor. Here iz my advice to being a time travlerz.
-Does not blink.
-Counts da shadows.
-Things iz bigger on da inside.
-Hewwo sweetie.
Dat iz my Doctorly advices. Haz a good day wifh lots of time travelz!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Up Earliez

I iz up early for a Saturdayz. My grandmommie iz making cookies and I wanted to joins her...Normally I doesn't get up on da weekends till like...tenz. I iz tired now...but iz going to make cookies, so iz worth it. I hopes you haz a good day and didn't get up too early!

Friday, December 7, 2012


Today iz cookie Friday! Iz going to start making cookiez when my momma gets home from schoolz! I iz really excited! I likes Christmas cookiez a lot!! Dey iz da best! I iz gonna go eat some of da cookie ingredientz, I will see you laters.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Baby showerz?

My grandmommie froggie went to a baby showerz yesterdayz. Does it rain at baby showerz? Does it rain babiez at baby showerz? Dat iz not a very good fhing if it rains babiez at a baby shower....dat iz no fun! What iz a baby showerz anyway?....I iz confoozled....April showerz iz in April izn't it? So iz there a frog showerz? Does April showerz mean you only showers in April?....I iz so confoozled!!!!! I iz gonna go try to figures dis out, sees you later.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Cookiez

I iz going to make Christmas cookies dis Saturday. Chocolate chipz and peanut butterz and snowballs. (I haz never had snowballz before. I hope they iz not cold, so I does not freeze my moufh.) I fhink I might eat all da chocolate chipz before we can put dem in da cookiez....I like chocolate chipz. If da peanut butter cookiez iz sticky like peanut butterz then I will not be able to eats them wifhout my moufh getting stuck....I hope dat doezn't happen. I fhink dat would not be funz....I iz going to find more cookiez to eat! I will sees you later! Haz a good day!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Holidays Shoppingz

I iz trying to figure out somethings to get my belove sweetz lady frog for da holidayz....I can't fhink of anytihng. I bet she already haz everything planned out for what she iz going to get me!! I must fhink of something! Haz any ideas? I iz gonna go look more. Sees you later. Haz a good day.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Da kitchen iz a very hazardous place.......I iz scared.....there iz stuff everywheres. It would be a great place to plays hide and seeks, but iz very scary right now. Cause my grandmommie was painting stuff iz everywhere.....I iz afraided to stay in da kitchen. I fhink da stuff might eats me....I iz going to stay aways from da kitchen now....I seez you later. Haz a good day!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I haz sad newz. Next year I will not haz time to post everydayz. I will probably start postingz every ofher day or once a weekz. I iz sorry. I haz been on too many adventurez recently to keep postingz all da time! I hope if I haz longer adventures I can post longer thingz! Off I goes on another adventurez! Bye byes!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


My grandmommie and granddaddy froggies iz painting the kitchenz. They iz going to paints it yellow. I doesn't understand why they doesn't paint it greens! I fhink green iz da best colorz ever....yellow will probably looks nice though. I fhink green iz a nice color because my lilypad iz green.....yeap. Yellow iz good too thoughs. Haz a good day! I iz going to paint a pictures. Bye bye!