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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Blog Running

Running a blog iz hard, hard, hard! I haz to comes up wifh stuff to talks about, then I haz to makes a post abouts it....I haz to reach all da keys and type all da words and if I messes up I haz to fwr eod pg mi......and if I messes up I haz to get rids of it....or scratches it out.....I can't reach all da keys on da keyboard....sometimes da mouse hatez me and it doesn't wanna'z what I doesn't understand. Running a blog....what does "running a blog" means? Da blog iz not running! Waits...maybe it IZ running and I haz to catch it! I iz coming blog! I iz coming!!....
Otay....I checked....da blog iz not running....anyways....even if running a blog iz hard sometimes I runs it anyways for you to reads, and becauze it makes me happys. By da way! If you ever haz any ideas for some sots of adventures to go on or somefhink to post on da blog dat iz not running away, you can always sends ideas to see, I haz my own email! All this typing and blog-chasing-after (even if it wasn't running away at alls....) iz hard works! I iz going back to bed! Haza good Tuesday!


  1. Congratulations Legs! You've passed 2,500 page-views! Your halfway to 3,000, so keep up the good work!

    As for ideas, maybe Legs could run for King of the world / universe / everything? I would vote for you!


    1. Being king of da universe could be cools but I iz not sures! It would be too much hards works!
